Chapter 2- The American

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Chapter 2 Troye's P.O.V

I arrived in Orlando yesterday and was greeted by all the brits. Going back to the hotel I fell asleep right away because of my sever jetlag. It's around 2 n the afternoon and I'm sitting here scrolling through tumblr (which I've been doing since 5 this morning mind you) when I hear a knock on my door. Getting up to answer it I open the hotel door and I'm greeted by Marcus.

"Hey Troye! All of us are headed to the airport in around 20 minutes to go get Tyler. Meet us in the lobby then." He says smiling.

"Alright then I'll see you in a few" I reply. Closing the door I let Marcus' words sink in. We're picking up Tyler from the airport. Tyler Oakley. The Tyler Oakley that made me realize I was gay back in 2010. The one that I've loved since I first laid my eyes on him. The Tyler Oakley who I finally get to meet in person after 2 years. The only thing is its happening in 20 minutes. Shit.

~20 minutes later~

Zoe, Alfie, Marcus, Jim,Tanya, Louise and I all piled in to the van and we were off to the airport. I'm sitting in the back with Jim who's trying to make small talk with me but all I can reply with is small nods and the occasional "yeah" or "cool". Jim realizes I'm not in the mood to talk and turns to Alfie sitting in front of him striking up a conversation. It's not that I'm not in the mood to talk ,its more me being too afraid to start talking and something that shouldn't be said slips out. Back to reality I realize I'm meeting Tyler in a few minutes and my sweaty palms and shaking hands seem to become 10 times more shaky and sweaty. After 10 more minutes in the van we pull up to the airport. Going in and finding Tyler's terminal was all a blur and then the time came. Zoe came walking back with Tyler and immediately the brits engulf him in a hug. Louise and Joey stand t the side not wanting to interfere with the reunion. After the hug fest Tyler turns towards me and I realize he's staring at me causing me to blush. Trying to keep my cool I wave

"I'm Troye, Troye Sivan" I say smiling

"I'm Tyler" he replies pulling me in to a hug. I stiffen up at first but hug him back after a few seconds. Pulling back from the hug Tyler smiles at me and I can't help but keep my eyes locked on his. We soon realize the rest of the group is starting to head back to the van so we trail behind them talking.

"So Troye how do you like Florida so far?" Tyler asks me

"If you ignore the severe jetlag it's pretty amazing so far" I reply with a small laugh. He chuckles and we continue to talk about where I live and what it's like there. We continue talking until we reach the van where everyone is waiting. After a few comments about how slow we are we all pile in to the van. This time Tyler sits in the back with me and we continue talking this time about what it's like in LA. Halfway to the hotel the opening tune to "What Makes You Beautiful" starts playing and before I can register what's happening Tyler screams out

"HOLD UP THIS IS MY JAM" and proceeds to belt out the lyrics and dance (well dance as much as you can sitting in a car) with a small shrug I join in with Tyler. Realizing we're not going to shut up anytime soon the whole van joins in and before we know it we're pulling up to the hotel as the final beat of the song plays.

"Well wasn't that something" Jim says laughing. With a few laughs heard throughout the van we start piling out. As everyone heads inside I see Tyler's struggling with his two bags. I chuckle slightly at the sight then go over and ask him if he needs help.

"You alright there Tyler?" I say smirking.

"God don't just stand there come help me" he replies with a bit of sass.

"Alright alright no need to be sassy about it" I say laughing. He glares at me but before he can say anything I've grabbed his luggage and headed through the door. Tyler walks up to the front desk checking in while I wait with his luggage.

"To the third floor we go" he says walking over with the key.

"You're on the same floor as me" I say with a smile. He smiles back and we head over to the elevator. Climbing in Tyler clicks the button with the number 3 beside it and we're heading up within seconds. Getting off Tyler walks ahead looking for the room while I trail behind with his luggage.

"Tyler are we almost there?" I say groaning. He turns around to look at me while rolling his eyes.

"Yes now shush its right here" he says smirking. After getting Tyler's bag in his room I'm about to leave.

"Whoa whoa whoa you can't just leave like that? Toss me your phone" he says. I toss him my phone and I realize he's putting his number in. Giving it back to me I continue through the door but before I go

"What name did you put yourself under?" I ask

"Don't worry you'll know" he says winking before closing the door behind me. With a shrug I'm off to find Alfie to tell him something I need to get off my chest.

~5 minutes later~

I'm outside Alfie's room I knock on his door before I chicken out. After a few seconds which felt like hours to me he opens up his door.

"Oi! Troye what are you doing here?" he asks smiling

"Umm well... can I talk to you for a second?" I ask nervously. His face becomes serious.

"Yeah come on in "he says leading me over to the edge of his bed. Sitting down I feel my palms sweating and my hands shaking for the second time today.

"I guess there's no easy way to say this but I've known for a while now and I needed to tell someone. I guess what I'm trying to say is Alfie...I'm...well gay" I say looking at him waiting for a reaction. His neutral face turns in to one of anger. I hop up off of the bed backing up towards the door

"You're a fag! God get out! Get out now you faggot!" He yells. Before I can utter a word I'm getting shoved out the door by Alfie and a door is slammed in my face. At first all I can do is stare at the closed door shocked before the tears fall down my face. Turning around I sprint down the hall not being able to see because of the tears and to be honest not giving a damn. Just my luck I crash in to someone. Not looking at the person I get up and try to continue to my room but before I can move the person's voice stops me in my tracks


A/N: Well that was intense. Anyways i'm sorry for making Alfie look like a douche but i needed someone to play the bad guy in the story. I love Alfie and his videos but i just needed someone evil. Also thanks for 300+ reads!

Twitter: @KateAI_

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