Chapter 25

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But no amount of screaming stops the fatoris from taking her.

No amount of screaming saves her.

And no amount of screaming prevents the familiar waves of self-loathing that flood in the second she disappears in a swirl of black.

I couldn't save her.


The dark fairies have her.


And it's all my fault.

"Alec!" I finally recognize the voice as the boy's and notice his little hand on my shoulder. I've fallen to my knees.

"Go home," I order, shaking. I don't want to cry in front of a child. When he doesn't move, I stand and yell the order at him. He stumbles backward, looking afraid, and I instantly regret snapping at him. But I can't worry about him now.

Drawing my sword, I turn and charge into the tunnel, trusting Max to find his own way back and relishing in the fury that drives my feet faster and faster. I use my free hand to guide my way through the blackness and within minutes I emerge from the cave and into the moonlight.

I spin around wildly, my heart thumping loudly in my ears. I can still save her. The fatoris have a short teleport range and it takes most of their energy—so they're still nearby. Although I wouldn't mind finding Peter along the way, I think with an angry brandish of my sword. I knew he couldn't be trusted.

I turn to the north and fly into the hills leading toward the tallest mountain. I'm coming, Edlyn.


The sun is signaling that it's midday when I find Peter. I hadn't been looking for him; I'd been flying high above the mountain range, not caring if I was seen, and looking for a head of white hair. But after an exhausting night of searching to no avail, I was glad to find him. More than glad, in fact. I was ecstatic for the chance to kill him.

I spot him far below heading north across one of the smaller mountains. His hair blends with the ash covered ground so that I almost don't notice him, but my eyes catch the glint of sunlight off of his chain armor. I dive without even thinking, my hand going to draw my sword automatically.

My shadow alerts him to my presence seconds before I drive him through with my sword. He sidesteps me just in time, drawing his own sword as he does. Fresh, hot rage courses through me and I begin to slash mercilessly at him over and over as soon as my feet touch the ground. I attack with no strategy, only anger. He has no time to do anything but block my blows. He betrayed her. She trusted him with her life and he betrayed her.

I yell as I bring my sword down on his again and again, the unsatisfying clang of metal against metal ringing in my ears. But I don't want to hear metal, I want to hear him screaming.

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