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It's white. Really white. Not like a clean white, the one you get when you brush your teeth for a really long time. No, the white like looking at fresh snow when sun bounces off it. I was in a room, at least I think it was a room. There was no doors or windows and the walls were blank.
"Hello?" I called out, afraid of who would answer. Suddenly a mirror materialized onto the wall in front of me. I still had my same long brown hair, full of life. My green eyes sparkled as emeralds and my skin clear of all blemishes. My figure was still tall and slightly roundish. My clothes were simple. Black t-shirt and white jeans. I had never seen white jeans, but that wasn't the most noticeable thing. The most noticeable thing were the marks. A dark red mark pulled across my shoulders, presumable a seat belt mark. I had seen them in books. There were dark spots on my neck and a deep bruise on the other side. Cuts and bruises ran along my face and arms. My feet looked blue and purple.
I was ugly.
"Catrina-" I looked behind me to find who spoke. An old woman in a white nightgown stood there. Her pale skin was wrinkled. Large thin-times glasses sat on her pointed nose and medium ears. Her hair was marbled with gray and white, it was in big loose curls.
"Boma?... BOMA!" I ran over and gave my grandmother a big hug. She lived in Belguim and I never got to see her. America is really far away. We were leaving to go see her in a few days before she died. That was one year ago. One year that my Boma die.... Wait. What was she doing her? What am I doing here!? She's dead.
"I'm sorry honey." Boma said, reading my mind. Now I knew it to be true. I was dead. I never got to say goodbye to anyone. Kain... He drove the car. He's the one who caused me to die. My loving Kain.

I heard the ambulances before I saw them. The concrete was hard on my face. My hands were wet. I mustered all the energy I could and sat up. Around me lay the pieces of a mangled car. The body was badly smashed and glass fragments found their way into my skin and the road. Their were bodies. 5, including me. Ro, Catrina, Hannah, Chris and I.
"Guys?" I tried to call out but my throat was sore and the sound was muffled by sirens. "Help" I called out. I felt tears welling in my eyes but I ant cry. No.. I'm Kain Jackson. Football star, a man. Men don't cry. But right now I wasn't a man. I was a scared boy again. Lost in the grocery store, crying for help. The paramedics came and started putting us all on stretchers. Somebody began to shout for help. They said one of the girls wasn't breathing.
"What's your name?" Someone asked as I was lifted onto a gurney.
"Kain.. Kain Jackson."
"Who else was in the car with you?"
"Uhh... Rosanna Pin, Catrina Rivers, Hannah Blam and Chris Rogers."
"How are you feeling?"
"I don't know. My legs hurt, my head hurts."
"Can you tell me which one of your female friends has brown hair and green eyes?"
My throat tightened up, "Cat.. Catrina. Is she okay? Where is she?"
The person was scribbling in their note book.
"Sir, tell me. Where is Catrina?"
"Take him to the hospital." The man said and I was wheeled away.
"WHERE IS SHE?" I started kicking and thrashing but the paramedics were holding me down. I kicked even harder, trying the throw punches in the air. Somebody shoved a mask over my face and I felt my brain slip into unconsciousness.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!
I'll see how much I update
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