3: Kain

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I woke up to a sterile room and a white celling. Tubes poured out of my body, connected to machines that beeped and hummed. My eyes were goopy and fuzzy, my vision semi-blurry. My body was sore and the scruffy sheets scratched against my legs. I looked around and saw my mom, sitting on her phone.
"Mom?" I called out cautiously.
"Kain!? Oh my god Kain!" She rushed over and gave me a hug. I winced at the contact. My muscles were stiff and my body felt as if it had no human contact for awhile.
"What happened...?" I asked.
"Well," she sat on the edge of my hospital bed, " May 22 you got in a car crash. Do you remember?"
I nod.
" You were driving and was hit by an oncoming car from the side. There was a lot of damage. You suffered some bruised ribs, a broken leg, cuts, bruises, pieces of glass they had to remove and some brain damage. When they put you in the ambulance, you slipped into a coma. That's were you have been for the last two weeks."
I sat back, taking in this new information.
"And my friends?"
"Chris has a broken arm and cuts. Hannah has cracked ribs and a broken leg. Ro is in a coma as well."
"And Catrina?" My heart stopped by the look on my moms face. When she didn't answer I asked again. "And Catrina?"
My mom began to sniffle. "She didn't make it out of the crash. Her funerals tomorrow."
My body sagged backward. It became hard to breathe. I killed Catrina. I was the one driving the car. I am responsible for my friends injuries and a death. The death of my best friend. The death of the one girl I love.
"Do you want a nurse?" I nod and my mother leaves the room. She returns moments later with a blonde nurse with blue scrubs.
"Hello Kain, how are you?" Her voice was sweet.
"I'm fine." But we all know that's a lie.
"Can I get you anything?"
"Some water; or ice." I say. She leaves and comes back a minute later with a styrofoam cup. She hands it to me and I shown drink the water, letting it slide down my throat.
She asks me some routine sort of questions and I answer them. She tells me a doctor will be in soon and leaves.
I'm left alone with my mother and my thoughts. It's been like that. My father died 6 years ago when I was 12. He was in the army and died in Iraq.
My thoughts lead to that day.
I was with Catrina. We were doing homework. My mom walked in, terry eyed, and said she needed to tell me something.
"Whatever it is, Cat can hear it to." I reply.
With a heavy sigh of grief she solemnly says, "your father was shot in Iraq."
"Is he okay?" I asked. The tears that poured from her eyes tell me no. I put down my pencil and went to my mom. She cried and I cried. I cried and Cat cried. Cat cried and my mom cried. We sat on the floor and cried.
My mom left to make a call and me and Cat held each other and cried.
"I'll always be here for you." She whispered in my ear.
"I'll always protect you from hurt." I croaked through tears.
I broke out of the flashback. My cheeks were wet. I don't remeber beginning to cry. I promised Cat I would always keep her safe. I failed that. I broke a promise that I swore I would keep forever.
So did she!
But she's gone Kain and its your fault.
But she said she would be here for me.
My brain was having a mental war with itself.

The doctor came in about 45 minutes later. He was old with gray hair and wrinkles around his eyes and mouth.
"Hello, I'm Doctor Howie. I've been keeping track of you the last few weeks Kain." He gave me some medication and told me I could go home in a few days.
"Can I go to the funeral tomorrow?"
My mother and the doctor shared looks and he said, "if you think your ready."
I don't know if I would ever be ready, but there was no other time.

I'm thinking of doing one chapter for each POV
Comment if you like that idea

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