Part 2: Goodnight Daryl

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*Time skip to C.D.C* (yeah I know I'm a lazy shit)

Its only been a couple of days since we left the survival camp after failing to locate Merle and the camp being overrun by some walkers along with loosing people. We set a course to the C.D.C.

"Keep it together. Come on." Shane says as we all make our way to the building.

"We're almost there, baby. Almost there." Lori says to comfort Carl.

We reach the building which is locked and shuttered. "Nothing?" Shane pounds on door.

"There's nobody here." T-Dog says.

"Then why are these shutters down?" Rick points out.

"Walkers!' You and Daryl say unison. Daryl shoots the walker in the head while you sliced their heads off. "You led us into a graveyard!" Daryl says. 'Shit, shit, shit this wasn't supposed to happen!' .

While everyone was panicking you and Rick spotted the cameras moving "Hey Rick you saw what I saw?" you ask Rick who nods his head.

"The camera... it moved." He says.

"You imagined it." Shane says.

"I saw it move too!" You state.

"It is dead, man. It's an automated device. It's gears, okay? They're just winding down. Now come on both of you" while Shane tries to get Rick, Daryl come to drag me away too "Man, just listen to me. Look around this place. It's dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick." Rick slams on the shutters.

"I know you're in there. I know you can hear me."Rick shouts while Shane tries to drag him away, with the help of Lori.

"Let go Daryl!" you say as his tightens the grip around your waist.

"You heard what Shane said there ain't no one here!" He says.

"Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left. We have nowhere else to go" Rick bangs on the door. "Please let us in!"

As the group were about to leave the door to the C.D.C opens, drowning the us in to the light.

Daryl let go of your waist and stared at you until everyone started to make their way into the building.

"Are any of bit?" asked a man with a gun pointed at us.

"There was one...but he didn't make it" Rick says.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" He asks.

"A chance." You say.

"That's asking an awful lot these days." He says.

"I know." You say.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." He says.

"We can do that." Rick says.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed." ( Beeps ) "Vi, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." He says and the other start to bring in some bags.

After that whole ordeal and the blood test we were all sat around a table eating and drinking wine, you had never felt this full in ages. The man in the building was Dr. Edwin Jenner he was the only one here everyone else had left or commit suicide. Through the amazing meal you couldn't help but notice Daryl staring at you, you turn to Carl and whisper "Hey is there anything on my face?".

"No, nothing" he says and we both continue eating. But there was another person staring at you that you hadn't noticed.

After dinner we were all given rooms to SHARE! Rick came up to you "You'll be sharing a room with..." 'Please not Daryl I definitely know things will be awkward' "Daryl" 'oh I'm dead'. You make your way to the room and to see that it was already opened 'great he's already there' You gently push the door so it's fully opened only to see a shirtless Daryl, you just stood there with your eyes widened and flustered face.

"Put some clothes on!" You ran out and slammed the door shut and just stood there. 'what the hell have I done?'. The only thing you could think of was Daryl 'Wait don't tell me! I'm in love with Daryl!'

"What're you doin?" You turn around to see Daryl staring at you.

"Nothing." It then became silent until you spoke up "We're sharing rooms" you walked past him and and placed your katana down and took out a change of clothes from your bag and headed to the bathroom, you stare into the mirror and decide to let down your (h/l) (h/c) hair. When you walked out you saw Daryl sitting on the edge of the bed drinking.

"I'll sleep on the couch" You then made your way past Daryl only to be stopped by him grabbing your wrist.

"Theres room for two on the bed" he says and all you could reply with was a nod. You where in bed with Daryl it had never been this hard for you to sleep in your entire life. Unconsciously you had turned now facing Daryl's back and then you did the unthinkable

"Daryl, you awake?" You whispered.

"Am now" 'Shit I woke him up!' "Am just messin" He chuckles and then turns to face you. "Can't sleep?" He asks

"Yeah I got a lot of things on my mind which are keeping me awake" You answer.

"What's keepin' ya up?"

Without even thinking "You".

"Me? What did do?"

"Well one thing is that you keep staring at me!" You whisper/shouted.

"What! No I don't" He denies and you sit up leaning on you arm so that your looking down at him.

"Stop lying I want answers" You say and wait for his answer.

"I just....don't know" he says. 'oh my god I think he might have feelings for me too! Should I confess or not?' you thought as you took in a deep breath.

"I think I'm in love with you" You and Daryl say in a unison. You where in shock it took about a minute to process what had just happened

"D-Did y-you say y-you l-l-love me?" You shyly stuttered out the question.

"Are ya deaf?" He says in a slight pissed way.

"N-" You where cut off with Daryl pulling you into a hug.

"Just sleep" He says and you nod your head.

"Goodnight Daryl~!" He pecks you on your head.

"Goodnight sunshine" And you fall asleep in his arms.


Awwww I hope you guys liked part 2 and if you did drop a vote and a comment~

So I had this awesome dream that I want to share so basically I was a superhero and somehow everyone new my secret identity so I had to go back in time to fix my mistake but the funny thing was I had to eat a banana to go back in time!

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