Part 4 : The Search Goes On

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HEY GUYS! ! I know you've waited a very very long time for this which I am so so sorry but its finally here Part 4! And I'm hoping to continue this Fic as well but bare in mind the updates will be slow but I'll try my BEST !



"5 more minutes Daryl" you mumble.


"Wake up!" you quickly sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes and turned to see Carl standing against the car door.

"Huh? Carl what is it?" You ask as your eyes slowly start to close again.

"Everyones getting ready to go look for Sophia"

"Okay I'm up" You grab your katana and get out of the car and slowly follow him towards the other.

The reason you hadn't woken up with everyone else is because after they fell asleep you made your way back into the woods for another couple of hours to look for Sophia again, she was a good kid and you couldn't stand the thought of her being alone in such a scary place at night but unfortunately you couldn't find here.

"Morning" Rick as he ruffles your hair "God you look awful, couldn't sleep well?" He asks

"Yeah something like that" You lie, if Rick knew you went on your own back into those woods he'd probably loose his mind.

"Morning sunshine" Daryl says walking up to you "Where'd you go last night?" 'Shit I totally forgot I was sleeping with Daryl before I left to look for Sophia'

"Ermm...I.." Both Daryl and Rick looked at me waiting for an answer.

"She went back to go look for Sophia" Shane said standing next to Rick " I was on watch and saw her" Both Daryl and Rick's eyes widened

"Are ya crazy? What if somethin happened to ya? And you, why didn't you stop her?!" Daryl starts shouting, you understood that he was just worried about you.

"Daryl I can take care of myself!" You shout back.

"(Name) I believe you but you can't just go off on your own especially in the dark" Rick says placing a hand on your shoulder "Your the strongest person I know"

"We should head out" Shane says.

"You missy stay with me" Daryl says pecking your forehead.

"Yes sir" You answer.

"Dale can you keep an eye on Carl while we're gone" Rick says.

"I'm coming too" Rick groans as Carl stands firmly by your side. "You need more people right? To cover more ground?"

"He's got a point"  Carl gives you big smile as you side with him.

"Okay but always within our sight" Lori says.


You brushed past the numerous tree branches as you walked alongside Daryl sometimes exchanging a few words. As you walked Carl made his way beside you with his head down you were sure not to long ago he was smiling.

"Hey kiddo chin up, whats got you so down?" You ask rubbing his back.

"I think Shane's mad at me. Did I do something wrong?" He asks as he looks up at you with a sad expression.

"What? No, he's probably just worried about Sophia, that's all." You reassure him 'That shithead better watch what he says to Carl or I'll hurt him'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2017 ⏰

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