1.Nadzieja Besa Heaven

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My name literally means "Hope Faith Heaven".

That seems a bit ironic due to my situation for the past few years. Well, more like all my life.

I have a long list of problems. I know I'm okay. Everyone else... Sees differently about me.

I have Schizoaffective disorder. Which is close to being Bipolar, but not. I see things that apparently "aren't" there.

I'm an Insomniac. Which means I can't fall asleep easily. Most of my nights contain me just staring at the wall, floor, or ceiling. I often turn a lot. It kinda doesn't help when you feel eyes watching you.

I have a minor type of ADD called Inattentive. I can be very still and I can be very quiet. It's just that I don't listen to people and I am very forgetful.

And finally, I have moderate Depression. I mean, after being so fucked up, who wouldn't?

Right now, I am at the front desk, taking a bit of pill.

I take...

Seroquel Oral for my Schizophrenia

Abilify Oral for my Schizophrenia

Zolpidem for my Insomnia

Adderall for my ADD

And Fluoxetine for my minor Depression

That's all.

I can't take my Insomnia medicine just yet because it's 5 in the afternoon and I am only allowed to take it when I'm ready to sleep. Which is never, but, I don't tell them that. The lady at the front desk told me that every room is full and she can't keep me waiting in the waiting room. She gives me earbuds so I don't hear any conversations and a magazine so that I can read. I start to walk to my therapist's room. I soon see "Dr. Paige" in bold letters. Dr. Paige is nice and she thinks she's close to a breakthrough with me. One thing I notice about her is that she's wrong. I don't know why someone let her put that "Dr." in front. She's good, but not good enough.

I open the door, without knocking, and walk in. Dr. Paige is sitting on her desk with a clipboard in her right hand and a pen in her left. I've been coming to her for a year and I never noticed that she's left-handed. She has her golden blond hair in a bun and her glasses hang on her witch-like nose. She actually is very pretty despite that. Her head pops up and she looks at me. I hand her the note, that I received from the desk lady, and shut the door. She smiles at me and says "Good job" then reads the note and sighs. I'm kinda confused at why she said that. She sees my confusion and says,"For closing the door. It might have taken you a few months of me telling you to close the door, but you finally did it. I'm proud of you. So, what I want you to do is go to that corner and and read this. It has a lot of pictures in it." She hands me a book titled "The one and only Ivan".

"I'm pretty sure I don't have a reading disability but thanks anyway," I say and go to the corner. Once I go to the corner, I see who she is counseling today. It's a boy with a blond quiff and a lip ring. He is slumped on the couch and looking up at the ceiling. He is also fiddling with his fingers.

Luke's POV

I continue not to talk to my therapist. I really don't feel like it. As she starts to write down something, a girl enters. She has the curliest, most brownest hair I've ever seen. She hands Paige a note. Paige gives her a compliment and sighs. She gives her a line on why she did that. I'm guessing the girl has a bit of ADD. The girl speaks. Her voice is one of the most softest voices I've ever heard. The girl heads to the corner, slides down the wall, and opens the book. She starts to read. My attention turns back to my therapist, who is trying to connect the dots. "I have to get something." Paige walks out the door. I continue to watch the mysterious girl. Her expression keeps changing. It's like what she is reading has so many emotions, and she is showing off everyone of them. She sighs and closes the book. She throws the book beside her and gets up. She heads to Paige's desk and opens a slot in the desk.

Unstable: Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now