The ball

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~Gumballs POV~

The next day I had meetings throughout the morning for the planning of my ball that was being held that night. Annually I throw a ball so glamorous that everyone in the land of oo attends, at this particular one I was hoping for a certain someone to show...

After showering I threw on my best prince clothes, not that I was trying to impress anyone, but I must look good for my kingdom. I glanced at the clock, it was 5 minutes until the gates were open and people would start to flood in. I walked down the stairs and stopped at my palace doors, "3...2...1" I forced a smile and greeted the swarm of people who were waiting outside, allowing them to enter. As the familiar faces of my citizens filled the room I could not spot the one I was looking for, I checked outside again and restrictively closed the doors, joining the crowd and going through the motions.

"My lord?" I flinch when I am grabbed by peppermint butler, "yes peps?"

"There is someone who is requesting to see you...immediately" he looks down at his shoes. "Who is it?" I question with a hint of excitement in my voice. I hope it's Marshall. "A surprise sir, the guest is in your room waiting" and without another word peppermint butler vanishes amongst the crowd.

I try to break away from the party as sneakily as possible and make my way to my room. When I reach the door I take a deep breathe and smile, pleased with whom I think is behind the door. I open and casually walk in, searching around until I spot a figure on the balcony. "Marshall I'm so glad to see you" I state not hiding the excitement in my voice as I still over to the balcony. A small chuckle escapes the figures lip, "why hello prince gumball" and the shadow turns around with a smirk. " o-oh flame prince, I apologize, I was expecting someone else..."

"Please gumball, call me Leo" he says mysteriously as he steps closer to me"

"Uh ok, Leo, peppermint butler said you requested me?" I'm fidgeting with my fingers, taken back by his presence. " ah yes, I did" he states not elaborating as to why. "May I ask what for?" I say nervously. "Why must there be a reason? Am I not allowed to just want to talk to an old friend?" He asks defensively, "of course you are but I am hosting the ball tonight and I should be with my guests..." He makes eye contact with me, "I am well aware of the festivities of tonight my dear gumball" he says with mystery in his voice. I can't manage any words, I just stare in confusion. He chuckles again, "do I make you nervous gumball?" He smirks, stepping even closer. Before I can answer his lips are on mine, and he's backing me into the dark room. I try to push him off but he's too passionate as he grabs my butt and pushes me onto my bed, " what are you doing?!" A spit, surprised by his actions. "Oh come on bubbs, we both know how long we've been waiting for this" he states as he crawls back on top of me, kissing my neck, "s-stop" I screech. But he doesn't listen, I push him off me and he looks taken back, " come on bubbs it will be fun...I won't tell" he tries to step closer but I stand up, "no flame prince, I think you should leave" I say taking my stance. By now he looks angry and I'm quite honestly a little intimidated.  "You can't kick me out!" By now his voice is booming and I'm scared that others will hear, "yes I can, it is my kingdom and I shall do as I please, leave flame prince" I try to sound as powerful as possible, but I can tell it's just making him more angry. As I wait for him to leave there is a knock on the door. "Who the hell is that?!" He yells and stomps towards the door, I follow him and we are both greets by an angry Marshall lee.

Oh shit.

Flame prince looks annoyed as he rolls his eyes and speaks, " what do you want" he spits. Marshall's eyes turn bright red, "what the fuck are you doing?" You can hear the anger in his voice so clearly. "None of your business, now if you'll excuse us" flame prince tries to shut the door but Marshall stops it and opens it again. Flame prince is now looking more angry then ever and just glares at Marshall. "If it involves him, then I think it is my god damn business" Marshall points to me and steps closer. While they argue I stand frozen, so many questions, but I know I mush chime in before they kill eachother. "Gentlemen!" I state sternly, grabbing their attention , "I am hosting a party, and I would like to get back to it, so if you don't mind, stop acting like children and get out" I push past them and walk down the hall, returning to my party and ignoring their surprised faces.


A few hours later when everyone is settling down and the crowd starts to clear out I get a tap on my shoulder, I turn around to be face to face with Marshall, "what exactly happens after I left?" I say clearly annoyed. By his encounter with Leo. "Let's just say I took care of it" he said with a wink, I couldn't help but giggle, but stopped myself, not ready to forgive his actions.

"What happened anyway?" He asked with a concerned tone. "I don't want to talk about it" I state bluntly. "But-" I cut him off, "let's just say you have more charm then Leo will ever have" and I wink back. He blushes and throws his arm around me, I blush but I stay, not wanting him to pull away. And that's how I spent the rest of the evening, wrapped in his arms, not talking. And I liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2016 ⏰

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