You dont make sense

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~Gumballs POV~

I stormed into my palace, not saying a word to anyone and ran up the stairs, once I got to my room I threw myself onto my bed. "What is happening! Fist he kisses me then he yells and-and I'm his problem?!? What does that even mean?!" I sit up slowly, calming myself down. "I can't let him get to me like this, I have a kingdom to worry about and friends who actually care about me and make sense" in the middle of my rant there is a knock on the door. "Come in" I say aggravated. A shadowy figure floats in and I know who it is, "GET OUT MARSHALL" I spit

"No" he states simply un phased

"You think after all that shit out there you can just come in here acting like nothing fucking happened!"

He says nothing and just stares at me

"What" I ask, slightly calmer now

He walks towards me and I watch him as he gets close to my bed, sitting down beside me

"What do you want?" I say annoyed, scooting away from him

He lays his face in his palms and small whimpers come from him

"oh my god, what is the matter with you! You are like bipolar or something" I state looking away from him

He looks up at me tears running down his face, "Gumball, something is wrong" he states seriously not looking away from me

"No shit! Why have you been doing all of these things, you don't make sense!" My voice almost screeching

"I have these feelings and I don't know what they mean! One minute I just want to kiss you and the next I just hate you for not feeling the same way and I don't know-" he stops starting to cry again

I look at him in complete shock, my eyes wide "Marshall i-I don't know what to say-"
He cuts me off, "forget it I shouldn't have said wouldn't understand" he trails off his eyes wondering around the room avoiding my eyes. He gets up and starts to walk away but I grab his hand, 'what am I doing?!?'

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