Chapter Four

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Miss Brooks POV

All I could do was think about Dakota, about how asking about her parents set her off so bad, how I made her cry. The day is rushing by and my third hour class is coming in, no sign of Dakota. Where is she? Did she come to school today? Was she just going to be tardy? The tardy bell ring, still no Dakota. I had to start my class, I gave them all the assignments. Made a few read aloud. I was so worried I could barley focus, all I can do is think about her. If she was okay or not. Made I should go check on her? Give her the assignments and homework she missed today. I barely noticed the bell ring I was so stuck in my thoughts. I made up my mind that I'd go after school, while I pray she's okay.

Dakota's POV

I didn't feel like facing her today, my parents aren't here anyway so they can't make me go to school. I text jamie letting her know not to worry, she wanted to bring me my work but I didn't want anyone here. I don't even know why Miss Brooks pushed about my parents, I don't even know why I got that upset. I'm use to them not being here for me, I use to being alone. I started tearing up again. Great, maybe I'm not as use to it as I keep saying. I wish I had someone. Someone to love me, to care, to hold me at night and make sure I'm okay. My parents haven't even called me since they left. Always busy. I walked out to the back deck, we had a lake in the back. It was beautiful. I walked over to my guitar grabbing it and a towel. We have a pool but I love swimming in the lake, I feel free. I lite a fire in the fire pit right next to the pier, I put my guitar down, pulled off my sweats. Leaving me in only my swim trunks and sports bra. I drove into the water without a care in the world.

Miss Brooks POV

I grabbed all dakota's work and got her address from the office. I drove in complete worry, is she okay? Was she even at home? What if she's still mad at me? I want her so bad but I can't have her... I pull up to a giant house, two stories, beautiful, Grand house. I pulled in and got her things walking to the door, after knocking with no answer I started worrying more. I looked around spotting dakota's car in the open garage, I also seen a gate door that I assume leads to the back. Maybe that's where she is. I walked around slowly opening the gate and entering, it was gorgeous. Many flowers and fruit trees, I even seen a lake. Wait is that Dakota at the lake? I also see fire, where are her parents? I don't see them anywhere. I walk to where I see her and I notice she's only wearing a sports bra and some sweat pants. Oh my God does she look so hot, I can see everyone of her abs. She really is fit. She starts picking up her guitar, does she really play? I know she loves music but she never told me she can play an instrument. I hear her start to play.

Loving can hurt
Loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard
You know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans
Holdin' me closer
'Til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone
Wait for me to come home

Loving can heal
Loving can mend your soul
And it's the only thing that I know (know)
I swear it will get easier
Remember that with every piece of ya
And it's the only thing we take with us when we die

We keep this love in this photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Our hearts were never broken
Times forever frozen still

So you can keep me
Inside the pocket
Of your ripped jeans
Holdin' me closer
'Til our eyes meet
You won't ever be alone

And if you hurt me
That's OK, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go

Wait for me to come home [4x]

Oh you can fit me
Inside the necklace you got when you were 16
Next to your heartbeat
Where I should be
Keep it deep within your soul

And if you hurt me
Well, that's OK, baby, only words bleed
Inside these pages you just hold me
And I won't ever let you go

When I'm away
I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost
Back on 6th street
Hearing you whisper through the phone,
"Wait for me to come home."

It's sounded like angels as she sang that song. The way she looked so into it, her movement. Just everything was so perfect about her. I can see her start to cry, I want to make it all better for her. I start walking slowly to her, " Dakota" She looked into my eyes, she looked scared almost that I was seeing her show emotion. She tried wiping away her tears, but I stopped her. I grabbed her and held her as she cried into my shoulder. How can someone so perfect be so broken? I don't even know what she's crying about but I won't leave her yet. She stops and looks at me. She's so sad... " You aren't going to ask why I'm crying?" "No, I figure you tell me in time." She nodded and started walking to her house, she turned looking at me. Her blue eyes glowing from her tears. She is so beautiful. " Are you coming or are you going to leave?" Her question caught me off guard. Was she seriously asking me to stay with her? That can't happen, never. But I do want to make sure she's okay. I nod and walk behind her. She opens the door for me and I look at how beautiful the house is. It big but not too big, it's gorgeous and filled with beautiful paintings. " would you like a drink or something?" She seemed so shy, which is so sexy. I came out of my thoughts, looking into her eyes again " Yes a glass of water would be nice." I sat at the island as she brought me my drink. " So why are you here?" I knew she'd ask soon " I brought all your class assignments so you wouldn't miss anything." She Smiled softly " Is that the only reason you came by?" Dammit I can't just tell her I came cause I was worried sick, I ended everything with her. Even though I didn't want too. " Well I was worried when you didn't come to school today. Are you here alone?" She looked down responding " Yeah, Miss Brooks I'm always alone.." It hurt when she said that, she seemed so broken. " I'm here now Dakota, you aren't alone." "I will be when you leave again." I wanted to kiss her, I wanted to kiss her and tell her I'd never leave. No, I can't. In such a short time she has grown on me so much. "I'm always always phone call away." I wrote my number on her arm cause I didn't see any paper. She looked don't at it smiling. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. " Will you stay with me tonight?"

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