
90 20 5

it's 4am
your thoughts
decide to pay you a visit
to give you a little nudge
just a little tear
they creep in,
in ways that only the sun would understand

its 4am
and all you
can see is the wall
so dark but vivid
creating perfect scenarios
and dreams that shall never
be true
your eyes are locked
it's hard to look away
for its all you ever wanted
to live through
the moments
gathering on the wall

it's 4am
and your words
are haunting every last
corner located in my brain
forcing me to deal
with all the pain

it's 4am
and my cheeks become
stained with the tears
my pillows cold
from all the droplets
that it consumes
from the sockets
with my eyes

it's 4am
and you my love
are the only thing
that keeps me breathing
at 4am

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