Chapter 1: Insults and fights

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The girls were all waiting for their boyfriends outside all except one.

Stella: Oh come on, Muse cheer up we are going on a vacation in Solaria.

Musa: Yea I would be if RIVEN didn't come. Her and Riven despised each other. They always argued.

Stella: Well he had to come or he would have been left alone in red fountain she said pouting her lips.

Musa: Like I care she scoffed

Stella: You are so difficult she said as she folding her arms.

Then all of a sudden the RF space ship arrived and the guys are come out to greet their girlfriends.

Stella: SNOOKUMS!!!!! She yelled running into Brandon's arms knocking them on the ground.

Brandon: Ouch! Cupcake I see you've missed me he said rubbing his head.

Flora: Helia!! She said and ran into his arms.

Helia: Hey Flower. How are you doing?

Flora: Perfect now you are here she giggled.

Bloom: Sky you're finally here she said kissing him.

Sky: I wouldn't miss it for the world he said returning the kiss.

Layla: Nabu I see you you've been working out she said touching his biceps.

Nabu: As you can see he said proudly.

Techna: By my calculations the trip will take exactly 6 hours and 47 minutes she looking at her phone.

Timmy: By my calculations this trip shouldn't seem to long when you are around he smiled.

Techna: Awww.

Brandon: Hey, Where the hell is Riven?

Musa: Wait he isn't coming!! she said excitedly

Sky: Nope he is right there he said pointing at a boy with magenta hair leaning on the spaceship.

Riven: Look I only came because Brandon told me there would be leva bike races he said as he approached Sky and Brandon.

Musa: Jerk she mumbled.

Riven: Excuse me he said folding his arms.

Musa: I said you were a jerk she repeated herself.

Riven: Well then you are just an arrogant little brat he spat.

Musa: Bastard! She yelled

Riven: Pixie! He yelled back

Musa: Oh no you didn't she shouted rolling up her sleeves ready to punch him.

Layla: Break it up you too! she said standing in between the two.

Leyla: You are not going to ruin this vacation by arguing like old grannies.

Musa and Riven: Whatever they said in unison and went into the ship as the others followed.

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