Chapter 2: Share a room with......

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When the plane landed the girls and their boyfriends were getting out of the ship. They were in the parking lot but in the distance they could see a huge resort.

Leyla: This was the worst trip ever she said holding her stomach

Leyla: I'm feeling sick she groaned as she picked up her luggage.

Nabu: It wasn't that bad.

Stella: Yes it was! I didn't get any sleep, my hair is a mess and my clothes are all creased she moaned.

Brandon: Didn't sleep? You were the one who fell asleep on my lap the moment we took off.

Stella: Still! She said quiet annoyed.

Bloom: Wait where is Musa? She said looking around.

Techna: I think she is still in the ship.

Flora: Oh, poor thing I think she is still sleeping.

Stella: Riven can you go get her please she said batting her eyelashes.

Riven: Why should I?

Stella: Because me and the others are going into the hotel to get our rooms. And if we don't go now we will be late.

Riven: Repeating myself. Why me?

The girls: Just GO!! They yelled and pushed him into the ship.

Riven: Fine he groaned.

In the ship:

Riven found Musa sleeping on her seat with her headphones on. She looked so adorable he thought and quickly brushed it off.

Riven: Musa, he whispered shaking her shoulder. She didn't even budge.

Riven: Come on Musa wake up he said a little bit louder. When he noticed that her headphones were still on. Maybe that was the reason she is till sleeping he thought and took Musa's headphones off.

Musa: What??? Are we nearly there yet she said sleepily

Riven: Come on we have to go he said impatiently.

Musa: Ok. It has been the first time he called her by her first name and was being kind off kind to her.

When they went off the ship:

Musa: Where are the girls she asked Riven with a yawn.

Riven: They said they would start heading towards the hotel he said blankly and started walking towards the hotel.

Musa: Hey, wait for me she shouted trying to catch up.

Riven: Be faster than pixie he smirked.

Musa: Humph she said and started walking by herself. Why did she even think he could be nicer?

They walked for another ten minutes before they reached their hotel. It was very grand. There were 4 swimming pools, a beach, a lot of bars and so much more. When they went inside the hotel they saw their friends standing in the far corner

Musa: There you are she said and ran towards her friends.

Stella: So how did you sleep sleepy head? She laughed.

Musa: Not funny she growled

Bloom: Anyway... We got the keys to our rooms she said showing 6 golden keys.

Musa: why are there only 6 keys?

Flora: We couldn't afford 12 bedrooms she said now realising how stupid she sounded.

Musa: But Stella is princess she said folding her arms.

Flora: Umm... she said turning bright red.

Leyla: Never mind it can't be that bad to share she said saving Flora the emabaressment.

Stella: I dibs Brandy-poo!!

Brandon: Alright then cupcake he said pecking her cheek.

Bloom: I'll go with Sky then.

Techna: I'll share with Timmy

Leyla: I'm with Nabu

Flora: So that means I'm with Helia she said still embarrassed by her actions.

Musa: Wait...that means I'll have to share with... She said and looked at Riven.

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