Baby, Baby

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(November 18, 1960)

   I've been in labor for over an hour now. It's currently a quarter past two a.m., and I am pushing so the first of my twin daughters can be welcomed into the world. Sherman and Joe are standing by my bedside, and Dr. Kasal and a nurse are standing in front of the bed, waiting for the first of my twins to appear. Billy, Herman, Kenny, Dion, and Jimmy are in the room as well. Dion and Herman are leaning up against a wall, while Jimmy, Kenny, and Billy all stand near Joe. Sherman looks at me and reassuringly says "You got this, baby. Just a few more pushes, and one of our daughters will be here!" At that moment, Dr. Kasal says "C'mon, Alyssa! Just one more push and one of the girls will be here!" Groaning, I give one last, determined push. A few seconds later, I hear the nurse exclaim "It's a girl! Congrats, Mr. and Mrs. Garnes!" Joe pats my head and says "Congrats, 'Lyssie and Shermie!" Dr. Kasal quickly cuts the umbilical cord and gets the baby all clean and swaddled up. She then hands the baby to another nurse in the room and says "Weigh the baby. I have to get back to Alyssa, because she's close to having that other baby."

   I'm pushing again, and I'm ready to have this other twin. Sherman is grinning, and he says "Baby girl, you got this. Just a while, and our other daughter will be here." Joe smiles and nods. C'mon Joey, can't ya say something encouraging? I push again, and a nurse says "Alrighty, Mrs. Garnes- one more big push! Your second daughter is almost here!" I give another determined push like I did earlier, and then, I hear the cry of the baby. "She's here!" Billy joyously exclaims. "You did so good, Alyssa. I'm so proud. Our daughters are here!" With happy tears rolling down my face, I look up at Sherman and respond "I know. I'm proud, too. Baby, we're parents now- parents to two beautiful twin girls." Dr. Kasal hands me the daughter I had birthed just a short time earlier and asks "So, what are you planning to name her?" "I'm naming this one Aberdeen Taylor, and I'm naming the other one Jessamine Riley," I reply, grinning. Then, Herman smiles, saying, "Hey, lemme get a picture of you holding Aberdeen, Alyssa!" Nodding, I look down at Aberdeen, and I hear the click of Herman's camera. Then, I ask Sherman if he wants to hold Aberdeen. He nods, and I gently hand Aberdeen to him. Then, Dr. Kasal hands me Jessamine. I look down at Jessamine, and once more, I hear the oh-so-familiar click of Herman's camera. Grinning, I look up to Aberdeen, back down to Jessamine, and say "Welcome to this world, you two. Mommy and daddy love you so much."

   It's currently quarter til three in the morming, and I'm holding Aberdeen once more. Quickly, I look at Joe, who's holding Jessamine. I grin when I hear him say "Hi, I'm Joey! Your mommy and daddy are both my best friends! Mommy, daddy, and I, along with our other friends, are so glad to meet you and your sister!" Oh, Joe is such an adorable goofball! Then, I glance over to Sherman, and I notice a tear rolling down his face. Curiously, I ask, "Are you okay, darling?" With a smile on his face, Sherman replies "I'm just so glad our twins our here. We're parents, Alyssa. Our daughters are so gosh-darned beautiful. The creations of our love are here, and I'm just so thrilled." Grinning, I nod and say "So am I, Sherman." Then, I look down at the two little card-like things on my bedside table.

"Aberdeen Taylor Garnes
Born 2:20 a.m.
November 18, 1960
6 lbs 3 oz, 20 in long"

"Jessamine Riley Garnes
Born 2:32 a.m.
November 18, 1960
6 lbs 4 oz, 21 in long"

   Then, I grin, and whisper to Aberdeen "Your daddy and I are so lucky to have you and Jessamine, you know." I look over at Dion, and he says "Welcome to parenthood, 'Lyssie." Simply, I nod and say "Thanks so much, Dion. Soon, I hope you find a wonderful girl and you take your journey into being a parent." I... I'm a mother now. A mother to two wonderful twins. These twins have a great dad, a great mother, and a lot of great friends. Blessed- that's what I am. I'm so very blessed.

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