A Father's Love

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After watching all of the trailers and sneak peaks from the season finale, I figure we all need something with fluff. 

Ezra sat on the ground watching as the river rushed by. After everything that happened on the mission both Kanan and Hera agreed to take him to Lothal. He needed to get his thoughts together. Meeting that Sith, the holocron, Vader, the dark side, his saber against him and the worst of all, Kanan. Ezra shook his head, trying to get that image out of his head. The lightsaber stabbing through his abdomen and Kansan's terrified cry. He knew that it didn't hit anything major but it didn't mean that the pain was any less. 


"Ezra!" Kanan cried out. 

It all happened so fast. The teen was holding his own until Maul got the upper hand. The sith used the kid's saber against him and before Kanan could react Ezra was stabbed. In his anger, Kanan used the the force knocking the monster unconscious. 

"Ezra!" Kanan called rushing to his side. 

The teen moaned, blue eyes fluttering open. 

"Ka-Kan-Kanan?" He gasped trying to breathe. 

"Sh..it's ok, Ezra. It's ok, you're going to be ok," the man cooed softly. 

Though amazed that it didn't go all the way through, he knew that the boy was scared. 

"Make it stop," Ezra whimpered. 

"Shh...I'm here, you're going to be ok," Kanan said tying to stop the blood flow. 

"Kanan," Ezra's voice was weakening. 

That meant he was giving up. 

"Stay with me, Kid," Kanan begged. 

He was not about to lose his son. 

"Tired..." Ezra said as he drifted off. 

"Ezra? Ezra please! I promised I would bring you home. Don't leave me, I'm not ready to let you go," Kanan cried hugging him to his chest. 


The teen stared at the water's surface fully engrossed in his thoughts. A hand on his shoulder startled him. Quickly looking up he saw Kanan's smiling face. 

"I thought you and Hera left awhile ago," Ezra muttered looking down curling in on himself. 

"The only way we are leaving is if your backside is on board," Kanan chuckled. 

"Why? After everything I did, why would you want me?" 

Kanan hit his knees pulling the boy close. 

"That's exactly why. You mean everything to us, why would we let you go, why would I let you go?" 

Ezra stiffened before throwing his arms around Kanan's neck.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't...I didn't mean...I" 

"Ezra! Stop, your going to hyperventilate. Listen to me, I love you Kid. After watching that monster do what he did, I...I..I was afraid I lost you!" 

Ezra felt the tears begin to fall and he made no move to stop them. He just turned into Kanan's neck and cried all of the pent up emotions out. Kanan hugged him closer, running a hand through the boy's hair soothing. 

"Shh..." he cooed softly. "I'm here, it's ok now. Let it Son, let it out." 

Kanan wasn't sure how long they stayed like that but he was relieved to see his boy sound asleep. Moving his arm so not to wake him up, Kanan grabbed his comm. 

"Spector Two, requesting a pick up at the tower," he spoke softly. 

"Copy that Spector One meet you there," Hera said. 

Kanan gently picked the boy up and waked back to the communications tower. By the time he arrived Hera was waiting on the ramp. 

"How is he?" 

"Not great, but better than he was," Kanan said as they stared at the precious cargo curled up in his arms. 

"Was it really that bad?" Hera asked. 

Kanan didn't respond, just walked up the ramp to his room, Hera close behind. 

"Hera, when he hit the ground and that thing was over him, I lost it. I thought I lost him," Kanan whispered laying the boy down and covering him up. 

"But he's here and is going to recover," Hera said hoping to give Kanan comfort. 

"But for how long? How long before another inquisitor comes and tries to kill us, kill him?" Kanan said sitting down on the bed. 

"I don't know, but I do know that you love him enough that you will do everything possible to protect him. Now I'm going to get us on course for the base. Get some sleep," Hera said kissing Ezra on the forehead and Kanan on the cheek. 

The man smiled before laying down next to his son. 

"She's right you know," he spoke softly reaching to stroke his head. " I love you so much that I will do anything and everything I can to protect you. I never want to take your real father's place but I promise you that I will try to be the best dad I can be." 

Ezra smiled and snuggled closer to Kanan. 

"I love you too, Dad." 

I hope you enjoyed this. Like I said I think we all need something with some fluff before the season finale happens. Please let me know what you think. 

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