Chapter 1

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I'm sitting in my car, mentally preparing myself, for what I new was coming next. I was going to start, my first day of college. I knew I was going to have to start college, sooner or later but I just didn't feel ready. Not after last summer. That's terrible summer.

As time flew by, I looked around for something to do. Anything to distract me, from the horror of starting school. I looked down at my phone, that lay next to me. It was ringing, I didn't answer until the third ring. It was my mom. Of course it would be her, calling just before I start a new school.

"Hey mom, what's up?" I asked, already wanting to end the conversation.
"Are you at school yet?" My mom demanded.
Realistically, I knew I didn't have the guts, to tell her that I have been in my car, for the past two hours. And that I have no plans of changing that. Instead I tell her, I have to go and hang up the phone.

The pouring rain outside my window, was tempting me to go outside. I've always been fond of the rain. For some reason, it interests me. I've never been sure why, but it always has. I finally, decide to step outside. The first thing I notice - besides the rain - is how big the campus is. Those thoughts quickly dissolve, when I hear a loud, irritating bell. As soon as the bell rang, a bunch of students start forming and heading towards the school. I decide to join in, who knows it could be fun.

It wasn't. As soon as I steeped a foot inside the school corridors, the overpoweringly, strong smell felt like a slap in the face. All I could smell was lingering flatulence, and an overwhelming arouse of sweat. I tried simply to just ignore the smells flying their way around me. Instead I started to look forward to my lessons at this, already strange school.

Usually, when you first start school they want you to go straight to reception, for help and guidance. Instead I did the opposite and printed of my class timetable, from the very useful school website. The first thing I had was English. That's when things went from worst, to even worst.

i wasn't expecting thatWhere stories live. Discover now