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Hello to you wonderful person who decided to read this.

To those of you who know what that means and know who the actor is, you're awesome

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To those of you who know what that means and know who the actor is, you're awesome.

To those who don't, there's a TV show called Star Trek out there that you need to go watch.

On to the non-goofy stuff!

(Who am I kidding? I will always be goofy.)

Like most of the books on here, this is a first draft

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Like most of the books on here, this is a first draft. That means that while I have a story posted, it is not a final draft. It's not perfect. There are typos. There are plot holes. There are chapters I look at now and cringe.


So, if you see any mistakes, or things you don't like, or things you DO like, don't be afraid to tell me. I'll take criticism. In fact, PLEASE criticize me. I can't improve if I don't know what to improve upon. Whether I've already heard what you're saying 5000 times, I'll still listen.

⏫me about constructive criticism⏫

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⏫me about constructive criticism⏫

This story is based on Beauty and the Beast. Technically, a retelling. But, don't think just because something happened in the movies, it'll happen here. I kinda twisted a lot of it.


It's also a bit of a mish mash of ideas and funky so-

Thank you and I hope you enjoy my story!


Update as of October 3, 2018: You know how people say, like, things they write that they thought was good but then go back and re-read it to find out how much their style has changed? Okay, that's this. Literally, first thing ever written for me, and me being my own worst critic feels compelled to warn you that for some reason. Idk why but just go with it.

Okay! Have fun and thanks for reading!

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