Author's Note

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I wish I could name everyone who has helped my get through writing this. I wish I could state everything each person has done, but really truly, I can't. There are just so many of y'all who have done more than I thought anyone would do. From those who have been with this story from the beginning and stuck with it, those who read the first thirteen chapters and haven't been heard from since, and those who started because of a book club and given suggestions that would change how this is written. All of you. The crazy commenters, the voters, the silent readers, the reading list adders, y'all are all awesome.

I literally typed this last note here three or four times, trying to figure out how and end it. I wanted to mentioned everyone who has helped me, but realized how almost impossible that would be. So I'm just leaving it at this.

Thank you.

...I totally suck at writing thank you notes. 😂

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