Chapter 5 : Flower

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With these words I hope to heal the cuts on your petals
Laced with love and dipped in passion I'm asking you to bloom for me
In this small garden , in your small garden
Tell me is there much room for me to stay

If there is then I will do whatever it takes to keep next to you

Say what you will heavenly Rose
Drink what you like,
sing what you want
Act how you want to

Nothing will taint the image

Nothing will dirty the Rose

We talk more than I talk to myself about you.

You're the subject and the event

You're the cause and the effect.

Crafted and perfected and perfectly imperfect.

You've made me better.

A better writer, A better person,

A better spider.

Let's take this final sunset to toast to us but, mainly you -

To Our friendship, and to opening up about our hardships,

To going From strangers to basically twins,

For the girl I believe in,

The angel who didn't mind how I sinned,

For the poems , for the pitfalls

For the help, and the spitballs

A toast to the girl who says she "ain't sh!t"

But to me is more than I can imagine.

To a girl whose writing leaves me gasping for air because its so amazing .

To the living Flower

Who drinks out of Bottles but stays as bright as a lighthouse,

Who's Roots run as deep as the core of the earth and who's soul I connected to when I stepped through the Gate.

Stay Blue Rose,
Be who you are.
Because I may be leaving the garden for now,
But I will Never forget what you mean to me

And ill never forget who you are.

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