5:cute nicknames!

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His for you - darling, its sweet traditional and just over all lovely
Yours for him - sugar cookie, because he loves you to bake them for him and hes just as sweet as sugar.

His for you - love or lovely, British accent must I say more, just those words in his voice make your kneed go week and you melt into his arms and he knows that its why he does it
Yours for him - newtie, it gets on his nerves sometimes but its fun and it always put a bright smile on his face.

his for you- baby of babe, short sweet to the point you are his babe and he will defeat you to the last if you ever need it as he knows theres never a problem you couldn't solve on your own.
Yours for him - Minnie, like the mouse be Because it annoys the hell out of him and its just so cute especially if you get some ribbon and but a bow in his hair.

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