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"Do you like doughnuts?"

"Who doesn't like doughnuts?"

"I know a place." Kara grinned and skipped out the door, her dress flouncing behind her. Barry excitedly followed her out the door.

"It's still so hard to wrap my head around this! Different earths. Something out of a science fiction movie..." Kara pondered. She was researching online about the frequencies of planets. She looked up from her screen to see Barry scarfing down doughnuts at an incredible rate.

"Aren't you going to get in on some of this? I've almost forgotten how awesome these are!" Barry remarked picking up a frosting covered chocolate filled sprinkled doughnut. Kara watched as he broke it in half to watch the chocolate filling ooze out.

"Tell me more about your earth. What kind of people are there? How different is it? Are there Big Belly Burgers there?!"

Barry licked his fingers clean. "Hmm, let's see. The people are basically very similar. The geography of your earth, based on this map, is, I think, an exact copy of ours. But there are no doppelgangers on this planet. See, on the other planets I went to, there were exact copies of the same people that were on my earth. When I mean exact copies, I mean that they had the same appearance, same names, and even sometimes the same mannerisms. It was pretty freaky. But the different thing was that the people on this Earth-2 had different jobs and different relationships and I think this is because there were no time travelers on that planet. By the way, we do have Big Belly Burgers on our planet."

"Whoa, that's cool! Not just about the Big Belly Burgers, but about the earths. What do you mean 'time travelers'? Has your earth already invented time travel?"

He chuckled. "Nope. Only the Flash can do that. I'll tell you more about that later but right now I need you to pass me those chocolate doughnut holes."

The two of them walked on the streets of National City back to CATCO to finish working on getting Barry home after binging on doughnuts. They decided not to use their powers to get back for the fear of puking all the doughnuts back out.

"So how's your life as a superhero? Maybe we could trade anecdotes," Kara chuckled while stuffing her hands in her pockets.

"It's pretty awesome," Barry admitted, "And sometimes very lonely. I'm glad I met you. Most superhumans on my planet are evil."

"So, wait, how did you become a superhuman?" She asked. Barry took in a deep breath and began on the night his mom was murdered. He continued all the way to him being struck by lightning, betrayed by Harrison Wells, and opening a black hole.

"And it turned out that Jay was actually Zoom," He concluded as both of them entered the building.

Kara gasped in disbelief. "So he was using you guys to get faster! That's unbelievable. Well, I've got to get back to work or Mrs. Grant is going to kill me. Winn should be in the same room, I'll see you later." They waved their goodbyes, unprepared for what was about to happen next.

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