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"Did you see the news?! We saved the day!" Kara burst into the room. 

Barry turned around and grinned. "That's the power of teamwork. Just glad I could help. Anyway, I know I should be getting home ASAP but I'm super hungry right now. Let's get a bite."

She jumped up and down. "You shouldn't travel on an empty stomach. I know a great pizza place that'll blow your mind!"

"Awesome. It'll be a nice ending to my trip to this planet." They grabbed their things and walked out the building.


"So Kara, I told you my super story. What about yours?" Barry inquired. Kara laughed. Where to even begin?

"Well as you know, I'm an alien from planet Krypton sent here to basically protect Superman." Kara went through the story of her family, her adoption, her loving sister, how Hank protected them, and her traitorous aunt. Barry listened in rapt awe.

"We were both 11 when everything changed," He observed, "We were put into new families and forced to live normal lives, despite our pasts. Yet, I'm actually glad that it happened. I couldn't imagine my life any other way."

"Same here!" Kara exclaimed, "Having secret lives sounds exhausting but is actually a big part of me." They strode into the pizza parlor and ordered five pizzas and two beers. While Kara sipped on her bottle, Barry looked at her with obvious envy.

"What's wrong?" Kara asked.

Barry soon his head. "Nothing. It's just that I have hypermetabolism which heals my liver so fast that I can't get drunk."

"That sucks," She sympathized, "But hey, at least there's still pizza and doughnuts!" As if on cue, the pizzas arrived.

"Hey, why don't we have these back at my apartment? That way we can discuss our plan to get you home?" Kara suggested.

"Okay sure. Race you there." Barry winked and zoomed out the door, grabbing two of the pizzas.

"Make me do the extra work, huh?" She huffed playfully. She grabbed the remaining three pizzas and took off.


"Okay fine, catch this!" She threw a slice overhand across the room. Barry made a dash for it and caught it just before it touched the floor. He whooped and chewed victoriously on the pizza. "You can't expect the fastest person on this planet not to have fast reflexes," he boasted through his chewing.

Kara stuck out her tongue then finished another bottle of beer. She burped loudly and picked up another slice.

"Isn't that, like, your third bottle?" Barry asked.

"I feel fine." she slurred while sauntering over to the couch. She turned on the TV to the news but nothing very interesting was going on.

"So tell me Barry, do you have a girl at home?" Kara inquired.

Barry sighed, the laughed. "Not very lucky in that department, but you don't wanna hear."

"No, go ahead. It can't be less boring than the news."

So Barry started with his lifelong crush on Iris. How he was too late and how Eddie ended up with her heart.

"But then I met Linda. I thought she was the perfect distraction. I was so excited on our first date, because she was the type of girl I only stared at from a distance during college. When she first kissed me, I felt like I had won the lottery. She quickly picked up on my feelings for Iris and she immediately backed off. What she didn't know was that Iris didn't reciprocate those feelings."

He told her all about the first time he time-traveled, how Patty entered his life.

"Patty was the most like me. She was passionate about what she did and was a huge dork," Barry smiled, remembering, "She was the one I truly loved. And it was my fault, all my fault." He went on of the story about how she found out he was the Flash, and how she left.

"And since then, I haven't really upped my game. I guess I'm still looking for the right person but they'll come around soon enough. Right now, I'm solely focused on Zoom."

Kara stared at him while finishing off her fourth bottle. "Well, at least you weren't the one who didn't return the feelings."

Barry raised one eyebrow. "You friendzoned someone? Supergirl?"

Kara facepalmed. "It wasn't my fault. Winn just wasn't my type and he knew that James and I were in a flirtationship."

He gasped with exaggeration. "No! You did not friendzone Winn!"


"But you guys are so perfect for each other!"

"It's not my fault, okay?!" She burst out, "You people can't expect us to fall in love with everyone we meet!!!"

Barry put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. "I see your point, I really do, but this is the alcohol talking, not Supergirl. At least you're still able to get drunk, it really brings out the real you."

"Oh, you want to see the real me?" she prompted. She got up to get a running start and pushed Barry down with enough force to shake the building. He grinned and zoomed in circles around her, pushing her down when she was disoriented. She grabbed ahold of him and tried to pin him down, but he was too fast and escaped. After dusting himself off, Barry found himself pinned with his back on the floor in Supergirl's unbreakable grip on his shoulders. He tried to wrestle himself out but was still face-to-face with her.

"Caught you, Flash," she slurred in triumph, "I win."

"What are you gonna do now?" He asked.

They stared at each other for what seemed like forever in the same position with her straddling him and him squeezing her locked arms. He saw her eyes get duller as she sank down, her chest getting closer and closer to his. Her hair fell down and swept across his face while their bodies got closer and closer. Barry could smell the beer on her breath but was only focused on her face, her beautiful face. And when their lips were only millimeters apart, Kara sank down to the floor. On the way down, her lips brushed Barry's cheek. Her head lay on the floor next to his and he could feel her breath on his ear. Soon, she was breathing heavily and he knew she was asleep.

Slowly and carefully, Barry removed himself from underneath her, careful not to wake her up. He carried her to her bedroom and laid her under the covers, being careful to tuck her in.

Just as he turned around and was about to leave, he heard Kara mutter something under her breath.

"I don't think the real me is very professional."

Barry smiled and turned off the light. Then he zoomed out of her apartment.


Okay, I definitely stole that scene from the movie The Man From U.N.C.L.E. but I loved that scene. If you're still reading, comment to let me know what you want to see next.

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