Chapter 32- Goodbye

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*next day*

I wake up as my alarm goes off, i check the time and it read 2:30am I groan and get up. Since its freezing outside I put on my black leggings and a Nike jumper with my converse.

To- Tati
From- me

Hey can you guys come and get me on the way??

Tati: Of course, send me your address :))

I send her my address and go downstairs, i leave at note for my parents so they know where I am. I watch tv for a bit until I hear quiet knocks on the front door. I open the door to reveal Gabe

"Hey..." He says, I just smile at him...well a fake smile as we leave, we walk to the car and I notice Bailey and Sean sleeping but they are holding hands with Baileys head on his shoulder...its cute, i look over and Gabe,Will and Josh who are mucking around while me Tati and Kaycee are doing nothing

*at the airport*

We get out of the car and walk into the airport and we sit down waiting for Ken. I look up from my phone and I see Ken walking towards us, i let out a shaky breath and we all stand up to say goodbye. He says goodbye to the others and then he gets to me

"Hey..." He says

"Hi" I say back as he hugs me, i rest my head on his shoulder as tears begin to fall

"Im gonna miss you so much" Ken mumbles

"Me too" we pull away from the hug when without warning he smashes his lips onto mine, we pull back as his flight gets called which was Australia since he was going on tour with Ariana Grande or someone

"Well thats my flight..."

"Come on Ken!" His mom shouts

"Coming!" He turns around but turns back, he pecks my lips one more time and says before slipping something into my hand

"I love you Kaylee" before he could say anything he get called again so he begins walk away, he walks until he is out of sight

"I love you ken..." I mumble


This is....the last chapter of this book! So i wanted to say thank you too everybody who has read this, and thank you too the people who always leave lovely comments!  Its sad i know this book is over but don't you worry! I will most definitely be writing a second book to ya! I love you guys very very much and I will see you soon <3

(Comment if your excited for the second book)

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