Skipped Assembly

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You opened the door to the classroom and watched as everyone's attention switched to you immediately. You sweatdropped as you walked over to the teacher, who was sitting at his desk grading papers.

"Oh why you must be the new student. Am I correct?" The teacher asked.

"Hai," you answered with a quick nod. The teacher smiled at you and then motioned you to go find a seat. You quickly understood him and searched around for an empty chair.

All the girls scowled at you and all the boys ignored you as you quietly passed down the row of seats.

You finally spotted a seat when a girl's foot tripped you, causing you to slam onto the ground.

You winced and looked up at the girl who tripped you.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" She giggled evilly as you stood up and dusted your skirt off.

You huffed and walked over to an empty desk. You threw your book bag onto the ground and sat in your seat.

"By the way please introduce yourself to the class," the teacher ordered.

You nodded and stood up out of your seat.

"My name is (L/N) (F/N)...please take good care of me!" You introduced as you heard a few snickers behind you.

"Okay good. Now that you know the class you may go find a partner to walk with to the assembly," the teacher explained. You sweatdropped and watched as everyone paired up immediately.

You sighed and looked around for anyone to pair up with. You stopped searching when your eyes landed on a light orange-haired boy, who was leaning against the wall.

"E-Excuse me...can I be your partner?" You asked as you crossed your arms across your back.

The boy looked you up and down as if he was checking you out and then smirked.

"Why of course (Y/N)-chan," he replied as he wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

You felt his breath hit against your ear, causing you to blush a crimson color.

"Hope I can get to know you more," he whispered into your ear. Your face began to heat up intensely as the boy finally unwrapped his arm from around you.

"The name is Gakushuu Asano, but please call me Gakushuu," he introduced as he walked off ahead of you.

You quickly followed him and walked by his side.

"So we're heading to the assembly?" You asked Gakushuu.

He nodded his head and smiled.

"After we go somewhere private," he murmured with a smirk.

"Wait what?" You asked as your eyes widened.

"Nothing," he replied as you both turned a corner. In a blink of an eye Gakushuu had pinned you against the wall.

"What the hell Gaku-" you were interrupted by his soft kisses against your neck. You flinched as he slightly bit your neck.

"G-G-Gakushuu!" You yelled as you quickly kicked him in the stomach. He jumped backwards holding his stomach as he glared at you.

"This is what I get for trying to give you pleasure (Y/N)-chan?" He scowled as he crossed his arms across his chest.

"Well yes! You pinned me against the wall and kissed my neck even though we just met!" You yelled as Gakushuu walked closer to you. You backed up against the wall again and turned your head away from him.

"P-Please can we go to the assembly now?" You stuttered as he leaned his face close to yours. He shook his head as he leaned in closer.

You squeezed your eyes shut but felt no kisses or anything.

Surprised you opened your eyes to see a red-haired boy shove Gakushuu away from you.

Gakushuu slammed against the floor and glared at the red-head.

"The hell Akabane?!" He growled as he stood up off the ground. The red-head smirked and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Sorry but she doesn't seem to like your kisses and bad attitude so lay off her," he growled back. You looked up at the red-head and smiled warmly.

"Don't worry I'm a friend of Nagisa's," he whispered to you calmly. You smiled wider and then turned to Gakushuu.

"Please listen to him and leave me alone," you ordered as you stared at Gakushuu.

He then frowned and left you and the red-head alone.

"Arigoto, Akabane-kun," you chirped as he removed his arm from your waist.

"No prob, by the way call me Karma," he smiled. You nodded and was about to leave when he grabbed your wrist, stopping you from leaving.

"Nagisa said that he wanted to talk to you after the assembly," he stated with a smile. You smiled back and nodded as you spun on your heels and walked towards the assembly room.

You walked for a while, alone. When there was a gentle tap on your shoulder, you slightly tilted your head to the side to see Nagisa with a wide smile spread across his face.

"Hi (Y/N)!" He greeted as he smiled with his eyes closed. You smiled back and replied with a simple, "Sup."

"So urm...I heard from Karma that Gakushuu had you pinned up against the wall and kissed you on the that true?" Nagisa asked a little shyly as he fiddled with his fingers.

You looked down at the floor and nodded with a frown.

"Yes, but thank god Karma was there to save me," you chimed trying to cheer up. Nagisa gave you a small confused look but then quickly smiled.

"Yeh I'm glad your okay," he murmured as he walked along side you.

"Good thing he saved me before Gakushuu could steal my first kiss from me," you sighed relieved as you and Nagisa approached the assembly. Nagisa's eyes widened as he turned to you, mouth gaped.

"E-Ehh?! You haven't gotten your first kiss yet (Y/N)-chan?!" He exclaimed as he continuously stared at you shocked.

You nodded your head and blushed of embarrassment.

"Yeah pretty weird huh? I'm guessing you've kissed tons of girls," you quietly murmured the last part, but Nagisa heard you clearly.

" I haven' a matter of fact I haven't had my first kiss either," he mumbled as he scratched the back of his head. Your eyes widened.

"Really?!" You exclaimed loudly. Nagisa chuckled at your reaction and nodded.

"Well I hope you share that kiss with someone special," you chirped happily with a wide smile.

"Same to you," he replied with a grin.

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