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||after school||
You raced off towards Gakuhō's office, huffing and puffing intensely. You have been running for a while searching for his office, the school was like a huge maze to you and you couldn't find your way to the place you want to go. As you turned a quick corner you  slammed into someone, causing paper to fly everywhere.

You gasped and quickly bent down to help pick up the papers. "I'm so sorry!"

The person you bumped into bent down as well and helped you pick up the scattered papers. You brushed hands with the person you bumped into causing your head to snap up to see who it was. . . . Nagisa.

"Oh! (Y/N)! I didn't realize it was you," he laughed as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. You pulled your hand away and smiled at Nagisa.

"Hehe this may sound ridiculous but um. . . I'm sorta lost," you laughed softly as Nagisa finished picking up the rest of the papers he dropped.

"Really?!? I'll help you around if you want, . . Where is it that you need to go?" He asked as he straightened out his composure, as you slowly did the same.

"Well I need to go to principle Gakuhō's office right now. . . It's what I was told during the assembly remember," you explained as you handed Nagisa your handful of papers.

Nagisa nodded and smiled at you. "Yeah I remember. . . I'll take you to his office. C'mon."

He held the papers in one hand while his other grabbed your wrist gently, pulling you along. You walked with Nagisa for a while until you both finally approached the principles office.

You spun around on your heels and smiled at Nagisa. "Thanks for helping me get here!"

Nagisa gave you a warm smile that made your stomach tingle somehow.

"No prob (Y/N)," he chirped as he turned around and left you alone in front of the principles office.

'What was that weird feeling in my stomach? I've never felt that before. . . Eh maybe I'm just hungry' you thought with a small sigh as you knocked on the door of the office.

"Come in," replied a gruff and muffled voice through the door. You gulped as you turned the door knob, striding in with a fake smile on your face.

"Hello Gakuhō-Sensei," you greeted as you stepped inside. His chair was turned around so you couldn't make out what expression he had on his face.

"Please take a seat, we must have a discussion about your rude behavior during the assembly yesterday," he stated in a stern voice.

You nodded and gulped as you made your way over to an empty chair in front of Gakuhō's desk. As you sat down Gakuhō spun around in his chair so that he revealed his emotionless expression.

"Now what gave you the permission to interrupt the assembly like that and stand up for the 3-E students?" He asked with a frown that sent shivers down your spine.

"U-Um. . . well you s-see sir," you mutters your words, trying to think of a good explanation when he slammed his fist down onto his desk.

"I know that your new here and aren't accustomed to our rules here, so I can see why you stood up for the 3-E students. . . but that doesn't explain your rude behavior while doing so. . So we have no other choice but to suspend you to 3-E," Gakuhō stated with seriousness in his eyes.

You choked on your own words and made a small squeak as Gakuhō leaned back in his chair, intertwining his fingers together.

"Akabane Karma will show you your way to 3-E tomorrow. . So be prepared," he muttered as he spun back around in his chair. You gulped and stood up out of your chair, almost so flustered that you almost knocked it over.

"I-I'll excuse myself now. . . Thank you for the small talk Gakuhō-Sensei," you murmured as you opened the door and exited the room.

Once you slipped out of the room you turned around to be face to face with Karma.

"Yo," he greeted with a smirk and a wave. You smiled and waved back at Karma.

"So what are you doing here?" You asked as you shoved your hands into the pockets of your jacket, while Karma did the same thing.

"I should be asking the same to you. . But I guess I'll explain first. I beat up a bully for picking on a 3-E student so I have to have a little talk with the principle," he explained as he waved a hand around in the air to add exaggeration.

You laughed as Karma smiled at you.

"Y'know your laugh is pretty cute~" he flirted which caused you to stop laughing and begin to snicker.

"Whatever you say sadist. Anyways I'm here because of what I said at the assembly," you explained as you stopped snickering. Karma's eyes widened surprised.

"Oh, was it really that bad?" He chuckled as he scratched his temple. You sweatdropped and slowly nodded.

"Well I have to go home and tell my bad news to my parents. . . I'm sure they'll have a blast hearing that air got kicked down to class 3-E on my first day here," you laughed as you passed Karma.

As you walked Karma spun around on one heal and balanced himself in a leaning position, with the tip of his shoe balancing him.

"I'm looking forward to guiding you to E class tomorrow," he chuckled as he strode into the principles office.

You smiled softly to yourself. 'Im excited to finally be in the same class as you. . . Nagisa'

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