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*the next day*

(Selena's POV)

That little Yn slut is going to pay taking Justin away from me. I'm going to call up my old friends Hanna and Blake

*phone convo*

(S=Selena H=Hanna B=Blake)

S- hey guys its me

H-hey wassup baby boo

B-hey Sel what's up

S- were going to have our gang again were going to kill that Yn girl

H-hold up isn't that Bieber's girl

B- yea

S-yes and we're going to make her pay for taking Justin away from me.

*end of phone convo*

(Your POV)

You woke up on the couch in Justin's arms. You turned around and peck his lips he open his beautiful hazel eyes. "Good morning princess"he said in his sexy morning voice then peck you lips "morning baby"you said with a smile "wanna go to ihop for breakfast?"Justin asked "yea sure"you said you take a shower and put on some denim shorts and an Aeropostale shirt and had your black Allstars on. Justin was wearing a white t-shirt and black sagging jeans and his purple surpra's. We got in the car Justin driving and you in the passenger seat "How did I get so lucky?"You asked Justin "What do you mean?"Justin asked confused "I mean I have the perfect boyfriend and a beautiful house and two loving best friends"you said "no babe I'm the lucky one"Justin said "how?"you ask "I have the most loving caring sweet sexy swaggyy girlfriend in the world"Justin said cutely "awwww you're so cute"you cooed and kissed his cheek. Justin turned on the radio and the way by Arianna Grande featuring Mac Miller came on you quietly sing to it not quiet enough that Justin heard you. "Damn babe you sing good"Justin said "no I don't babe you sing better"you said to Justin "babe I love you"Justin said "I love you too Justin"you replied Justin pulled up at ihop. We went inside and sat down. "Hello welcome to ihop what would you like beautiful"the. Waiter asked and winked at you "I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes"you replied "and you sir"the waiter asked Justin "I'll have the same as lady"Justin replied "would that be all"the waiter asked "yes that's all"you replied and the waiter walked away "babe that waiter is crepping me out"you said "yea baby he hitting on my lady"Justin said pissed "relax babe maybe he's just trying to be nice"you said to clam Justin down "Maybe" Justin mumbled The waiter came back "Chocolate chip pancakes for the sexy lady"the waiter said and winked at you "and chocolate chip pancakes for this guy"the waiter said to Justin and walked away. Me and Justin talked ,laughed, and kissed. We finished our pancakes and you and Justin left Ihop hand in hand. As we were walking out that same waiter came out "hey you from earlier maybe we can get some coffee sometime" the waiter yelled Justin let go of my hand and BOOM.

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