Chapter two

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(Ignore the cat in the picture)

"W-where am I?" I asked myself as I slowly opened my eyes, I was in a room it was pitch black and my hands and legs were chained.
I heard a sound a twisted my head over to see a door slowly being opened, and I saw piercing red eyes stare at me. Flinched at the state they were well scary. The man known as Itachi walked towards me and I quickly jumped into a fighting stance just to trip over my shackles and fall onto the ground.

"Ow that hurt" I mumbled as he bent down and took off the shackles that binded me. He grabbed me by my upper arm and forcefully pulled me up to my feet and dragged me off to a room were a guy with orange spiky hair was if my memory is right he called himself pain, because he had a obsession with pain or something. Itachi wouldn't let go of my upper arm as he forced me to stay put.

"Watch her, I'm afraid she will escape with the others she is quite skilled" pain said

"Auctually I was planning on going back, you know where I live " I spoke unconsciously

"I don't think that would be possible, yeah? Yeah?"
A person from the shadows jumps out wearing a mask tobi.

"If I recall correctly your name is Toby, toby the idiot"

"I don't think your in the position to be talking like that missy" dalidora said as he stepped out behind Toby

"Great there's more of you" I mumbled under my breath witch apparently Itachi heard because he tightened his grip intentionally but I wasn't gonna give him pleasure my flinching so I did what I have been doing standing there without flinching but God dammit he has a good grip.
After that was settled itachi dragged me off who knows where ahh I didn't like him at all he was to bossy.

As he dragged me through hallways and corridors. Which were like a maze I wonder how I would get out of here. We finally stopped thank goodness I thought I was gonna die way to much walking for me. Anyway back to the point we stopped in front of a plain dark oak wood door. There were no characteristics I could really make out after all the only light were a few torches hanging from the walls. Itachi then opened the door to a ordinary room like the door it was plain one king sized bed with dark sheets, on the left was another which I guessing is the bathroom and to the right was a bookshelf and a small table it was quite dim in the room. That could be cause there was no windows. On the lower backboard of the bed there was a chain connected to it. It looked long enough to explore the room but that's it. Itachi dragged me further into the room shutting the door behind gently but sternly placed me on the bed as he chained one of my ankles to the bed.

"We don't have a spare bedroom also we don't trust you so you'll be staying with me until then" itachi said with boredom lacing each word. I despised the chain it kept rubbing on my ankle, but I won't let them know that. Itachi came to the other side of the bed and took off his shirt and climbed in being careful to be weary of my presence. Although I didn't like it I was to tired and drifted off to sleep several times but I couldn't seem to stay asleep the stupid chain was way to tight.

Itachi pov

I walked over to the other side of the bed while removing my shirt trying to get in the bed without disturbing her. She looked quite tired. I turned my back to her but I could still notice her coming in and out of sleep. As she moved her ankle around, the chained one. I say up and went to grab her ankle. But before I could she jerked it away.

"what are you doing" she hissed

"Loosening the chain" I said emotionless

" I dont need it loosened its totally fine" Luna vaguely whispered. I grunted and forcefully grabbed her ankle, loosening the chain surrounding her ankle. She struggled to get out of my grip but soon have up.

"I told you I was fine" she practically yelled

"Tch" was the only sound I made as I turned back around to go to sleep as she grunted and rolled over. Soon I could hear nothing but peaceful breaths. I turned around to look at her. She looked so peaceful her beautiful silver hair slightly fell on her face as her lips were partly spread apart. Making me just want to lean down and kiss them as I hold her in a warm embrace. But I resisted for I do not understand what I'm thinking. So instead I just lauded there starring at her angelic features. Which amplifies with the beautiful white wedding dress she was wearing. It wasn't as long as it use to be it got a little bit torn when she was running.  As I layers there starring at her I slowly closed my eyes as I lost myself to slumber.

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