Post #24

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the signs having a conversation about aliensaries- 

aliens defiantly exist, man. fight me if you don't think so.

taurus- if they wanted to murder us, they would have by now so they're probably nice aliens.

gemini- man, space is limitless, theres gotta be something out there...

cancer- i wonder if they have cool stuff... like alien malls or something.

leo- i could probably take over the aliens and be the alien queen

virgo- aliens would be slimy and gross... i don't like that.

libra- according to my research, our galaxy contains a minimum of 100 billion planets. Of those, most are small planets like ours. Statistically, every star would have at least one planet. This means that the chances of life and habitable planets in our galaxy alone is overwhelmingly high. So high that it's impossible to deny that aliens are out there.

scorpio- do you think it would be possible to get pregnant with alien babies??

sagittarius- you are DISGUSTING. like the aliens.

capricorn- what the hell are you all talking about.

aquarius- i could totally party with the aliens

pisces- bruh, I've seen an alien with my own EYES

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