In Your Eyes

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            Night fell, and I had briefed Arin on my plan. He agreed to be a part of it. We quickly and quietly made our way to Mark's, boom box with the CD we needed inside of it. When we arrived, we stood in the driveway for a few minutes, so Arin could set up the speaker and microphone, and I texted Mark.

Danny, 9:59 PM

You by a window?

Mark, 9:59 PM

Why? Does this have to do with your answer?

Danny, 10:00 PM

Maybe... Just get by a window, but don't look out of it. Preferably by the front of your house.

Mark, 10:00 PM

Okay. I'm at a window. Now what?

Danny, 10:01 PM

Just listen...

I gave Arin the signal, and he started playing the CD. It was the instrumental of In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel. I took the microphone, turned on the speaker, and we began our small concert.

"Love I get so lost, sometimes

"Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart

"When I want to run away

"I drive off in my car

"But whichever way I go

"I come back to the place you are."

I can see some shuffling in one of the windows, until I see someone peeking out behind the curtains.

"All my instincts, they return

"And the grand façade, so soon will burn

"Without a noise, without my pride

"I reach out from the inside."

The curtain is pulled back more, and I can see him watching. I still couldn't see his expression though.

"In your eyes

"The light the heat

"In your eyes

"I am complete

"I see the doorway to a thousand churches

"In your eyes

"The resolution of all the fruitless searches

"In your eyes

"Oh, I want to be that complete

"I want to touch the light

"The heat I see in your eyes."

I can see him clearer now. He looks surprised. I hope it's the good kind.

"Love, I don't like to see so much pain

"So much wasted and this moment keeps slipping away

"I get so tired of working so hard for our survival

"I look to the time with you to keep me awake and alive."

He's disappeared from the window. I become nervous, but I keep singing.

"And all my instincts, they return

"And the grand façade, so soon will burn

"Without a noise, without my pride

"I reach out from the inside."

The front door opens, and there he is. I can see the tears in his eyes, but he just stands there in bewilderment.

"In your eyes

"The light the heat

"In your eyes

"I am complete

"In your eyes."

He starts to walk slowly towards me.

"I see the doorway to a thousand churches

"In your eyes

"The resolution of all the fruitless searches

"In your eyes

"I see the light and the heat

"In your eyes

He breaks into a run, tears in his eyes.

"Oh, I want to be that complete

"I want to touch the light,

"The heat I see in your eyes."

As soon as he gets to me, he hugs me tightly. Then, as the last bit of the song plays, he picks me up off of the ground and spins us both around as I hold on tightly to him in fear that he'll drop me. When he's done, he sets me down gently, but still continues to hug me.

He looks up at me, "So this is how you felt all this time?"

"Are you fucking serious?! Of course I have!" I'm so happy...

"I never told you cause I was scared you'd reject me!"

"That's how I felt!" I'm so fucking happy...

"So I guess it's official, huh?"

I don't care if he sees me cry. I nod, since my voice would be too wobbly to understand. He grins from ear to ear, then connects his lips with mine. It's such an amazing feeling. When we sadly break apart, I hold him close to my chest and rest my head on his. We then slowly swayed back and forth to the rest of the song.

I did it... I fucking did it...

Yay!! Danny did it!! I did it!! You did it!! We all did it!! please don't take that out of context... So yeah, I finally did it, I brought them together with this song. If you've never heard this song, it is unbelievably romantic like my god. This and another song called Africa by Toto were my two picks for this chapter. I picked In Your Eyes cause it's more about love than Africa. There was just one line in Africa that I really liked, "It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you. There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do." I just love that lyric. Anyway, enough babbling, I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Buh-bye!


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