Just Give Me A Reason ch. 5

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Authoress Notes: And here we are a new chapter, not much to say so go on read :33



I looked at the clock it was only 1-ish. Mackenzy was working and Drew was also working. It had been a  few days since Mackenzy and Darren came by and I was stuck entertaining my self. I picked my phone up and called an old friend.

"LANE! Let's hang out and bring your girlfriend Marie." I said when he picked up.

"I think I went deaf in my ear, and sure. She just got back from work but she won't mind. Meet at that little cafe?" Lane asked.

"Sure, just need to get ready and leave. At 2 you better be there. Peace!" We hung up.

I got up and went to get dressed. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt, nothing fancy. I also threw up hair up and grabbed my keys and purse. I was in traffic for a bit but I got there a bit before 2. I ordered something to eat and waited for Lane and Marie.

I was playing on my phone since I had nothing better to do. But I got mad at the game and stopped playing. I munched on my food and then saw Lane and Marie coming over.

I got up and hugged Lane and Marie. Marie had dark brown hair and light brown eyes and nice tan skin because of her Latino genes. And Lane looked the same except a bit older looking.

"I'm glad you two can make it," I smiled.

"We wouldn't miss hanging out with you," Marie laughed.

"Yeah, it's been what 2 months?" Lane asked

"Something like that." I shrugged.

"Sad Drew couldn't come," Marie said.

"Yeah I miss his punches," Lane smirked.

"Not cool, that was like many years ago that happened. The only reason he couldn't come is cause of work. Always work," I sighed.

"I'm sure it will get better Americus, you will see." Marie smiled.

I smiled back and I really hope she is right about that. 

"What are you eating?" Lane asked.

"A sandwich, nothing special." I answered.

"Hmm, Marie you want something?" Lane asked.

"I want what Americus has," Marie said.

Lane got up to get food for him and Marie. Marie waved and when he got inside she slid closer to me.

"Now what is the real problem Americus?" Marie asked.

I wasn't all that surprised, Marie understands people. That is why she is still in school to be a psychologist.

"I just miss Drew, he is working so much. I feel neglected and he has apologized for working so much and in those moments it's fine but it's just words. I probably sound like a spoiled brat who wants attention." I sighed.

"It's okay to want things Americus, wanting attention from your husband isn't bad at all. Just talk to him about it, communication is the best key." Marie smiled.

She patted my hand and then that is when I saw it. A simple diamond ring on her ring finger. My eyes widen and a smile spread on my lips.

"He finally popped the question!" I took her hand.

"Y-yeah... yesterday actually." Marie blushed.

"What?! Really! And here I am complaining about my life at home and you are engaged!" I hugged her.

"What is with the hugs?" Lane asked as he came back.

I got up and hugged him also. "You finally asked her!" 

Lane blushed and looked away, "Yeah, you are the first of our friends to know."

"Yay!" I clapped my hands.

 We sat down and ate while talking about their wedding which would be sometimes next year. I was really excited for it also.

"Who is getting married?" I heard someone say behind me.

I looked behind me to see Ryan.

"Oh hey Ryan, my friends here Lane and Marie." I pointed to them.

"Nice to meet you two and congrats." 

"Who are you?" Lane asked with a slight glare.

"Ryan, an old friend of Americus's." Ryan sat down.

"Yep, dated him in high school, he was my first boyfriend. Then dumped him since he cheated on me." I smiled.

"I said I was sorry about that," Ryan frowned.

"So, anyways." I looked back to Lane and Marie completely ignoring what Ryan said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Ryan," Marie said.

"...Yeah" Lane said.

It felt awkward and I didn't know what to say. Marie was looking at her phone and Lane was just staring at Ryan. I sipped my drink trying to think of something to talk about.

"Oh Ryan why are you here?" I asked.

"Got out of work early," he told me.

"Where do you work at?" Lane asked.

"At the zoo, I help the animals." Ryan said.

"Aww, how sweet," Marie smiled.

"Thanks," Ryan said.

"Darn I need more coffee," I got up to get a refill.

"I'll come with," Lane got up.

He followed me inside and we waited in line.

"Americus, be careful. I don't like Ryan," Lane looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You are married, don't forget that."

"I know I'm married, doesn't mean I can't have guy friends."

"But for it to be your first boyfriend."

"I'm not going to cheat on Drew, I love him!"

I huffed and ignored Lane. I got my coffee and walked back to the table and Ryan was gone. Marie said he just stopped by to say hi then left. I told them I also had to go, I just didn't want to hear Lane nag me anymore. I said bye to Marie and gave Lane a look before I left. 

I got home and sat down to watch the tv. Why would Lane think I would cheat on my own husband. We had been through a lot of crap and I wasn't just going to throw it down the drain just for an ex. I know who I love and it's Drew Newbell and no one else. No one can compare to Drew.


Authoress End Notes: OOOHH I wonder why Lane told Americus to watch out. Well until next time :33

Just Give Me A Reason (Sequel to Disgusting) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now