Just Give Me A Reason Ch. 14

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Authoress Notes: I gosh I am so sorry I haven't updated, I don't have an excuse I just need feel the motivation to write. I will try to update again before the weekend :33



I woke up with a small hangover, I hear Mackenzy talking in a hushed voice. I lay there and listen but I can only hear some words and not many.  I sat up and the world spun a little bit, I get up and stumble near the kitchen door.

"I have to tell him!" I hear Darren whisper shout.

"No, I shouldn't have told you in the first place," Mackenzy sounded harsh.

"He is my best friend Mackenzy!"

"So is Americus!"

I then used this time to enter the kitchen, they shouldn't be fighting. They looked over to me quickly and Mackenzy put a smile on and Darren looked away from me.

"Hey, you're up. How did you sleep?" Mackenzy asked.

"Fine, I should head home now." I said.

"Stay for breakfast well at least until you get your head on straight." Mackenzy said as she started to make food.

I sat at their island table and Darren left the room. I stared out the window, I had to many thoughts running through my head to pinpoint one and stick to it. I was gladly interrupted when Mackenzy set a plate of food down for me. I ate and Mackenzy ate too. 

I finished and got up, "Thanks for the food, I'm going to go now." 

"Okay, call me if something happens alright," Mackenzy smiled and I nodded and grabbed my things and left.

I was walking home and watched people pass by. I watched this old couple pass by and I felt my heart constrict. I had to look away, I was almost home when my phone rang and it was Mackenzy and I picked it up.

"Yo," I said.

"I'm so sorry! I told Darren and then he told Drew!" Mackenzy said through the phone.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"About what happened yesterday, I'm so sorry!

"What?! Drew knows, he is probably waiting at home now." I felt like everything was closing in on me.

I told Mackenzy bye and hung up. I then turned around and headed to look at store and stuff to just avoid going home at this moment. I needed to prepare myself and that can take a awhile. So I went to stores and started to shop, well more like look around there wasn't anything I want. Unless it can turn back time then I would sell my soul for that. 

By lunch I probably had been in 15 stores. I went to a small cafe and sat down and ate some food. I looked at my phone and saw I had 3 miss calls from Drew and then a text message asking when I would be home. I then went onto iFunny without answering anything. I laughed at the funny ones and question how some of them got featured.

After lunch I was off and looking at store again. I met some of my fans while out and about and it was nice to see them. I went into a music store and checked some older singers and laughed since I used to listen to them when I was a no good teenager. When I thought that the world was against me and I had horrible luck. Not much as changed on the those feeling though. 

I ended up buying a CD or two and then I moved onto the next store. I looked at the time and it was already going to be 2 PM. I should probably head back, it's the right thing to do and talk with Drew. I then started to walk back but on my way I passed a park and walked and sat on a bench and looked at the trees and flower.

I was just stalling even more. I didn't want to get up though and face Drew, I didn't want him to look at me with sad eyes. I would only break my further than I was right now. I leaned my head back and looked up at the sky hoping it would give me answer, looks like I won't get any there. I sighed and then got up.

I got to the apartments and entered. I stood outside my door and had the keys in one hand ready to unlock and I just froze. Could I really go in and face Drew, I took in a deep breath. I had to, things would only get worse if I don't. I unlocked the door and opened it. I walked in and the further I went in I heard the shower running. 

I sat down on the couch and waited until Drew was done with his shower. I heard the water turn on and it startled me. I heard the door open and then him moving to the room to get dress. My heart was beating fast and I felt like I either might throw up or pass out, maybe both.

I then heard his feet walking and then they stopped. I didn't turn around, I just stared at the ground. I heard him walking again and then I saw his feet and his jeans.

"Americus, look at me." I heard Drew's harsh voice.

I shook my head no and bit my lip. I felt my hot tears falling, I felt like shit. 

"Why?" His voice sounded broken.

I finally looked at him and he looked stressed and hurt. When we made eye contact his eyes held so much emotion. I'm the one who broke him, I felt sick with myself and my actions.

"Drew I-I'm so...sorry," I managed to get the words out.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Americus!" Drew shouted and his eyes became hard.

"I-it was just a kiss," I said.

"Did you enjoy it?" Drew asked.

I was going to deny it but I only gaped like a fish. I saw his hands clench and he looked away from me. I looked down at the ground again, it was silent and it was horrible. I wanted to say something but I didn't know what.


Authoress End Notes: So does everyone hate Ryan?? I'm so cruel to my characters :33

Just Give Me A Reason (Sequel to Disgusting) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now