Chapter 8

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6 months pregnant. 

It had been a month since I went back to school. My mom has know idea, which is good. I go to the lake everyday now, and stay there. When I went home today, my mom is waiting on the porch for me. Crap. "Sit" She says as soon as I come up the stairs. I sit next to her. "You've been skipping school, I see." I sigh. "Yeah." "Why?" She asks. "Mom, I get tired of being treated like crap all the time. I don't go to school to be judged, I go to get an eduation. I can't do that with the whole school yelling at me, laughing, torturing me." She nods. "Go to your room. You will not be going to the lake tomorrow, You will be going to school. Do I make myself clear?" She asks. I get up and go to my room and she grabs me and sits me back down. "DO I make myself clear?" She repeats. "Yes."  I get up and go to my room. I call Sarah. "Hello?" She says. "Can I sleep over your house tonight?" She sighs. "Sure baby, what time you coming?" "Late." She breathes. "Okay, hun. I'll leave the door open and cook something up for you!" She hangs up and I feel relieved. I lay on my cot, pretending I'm asleep. My mom finally goes to sleep and I get on some clothes and head out. When I get to Sarahs, the door is open like she said. I open it, and there is some stew and bread on the stove. I smile and practically run over to it. "Are you Violet?"  A small voice says. I turn around and see a little girl with big brown eyes in monkey pjs. Sarah's daughter. I nod. She smiles. "Oh my gosh! Nice to meet you!" She runs up and hugs me. I hug her back. "What's your name?" "Peach." She says. "My mom named me Peach because anytime she'd eat a peach, I'd kick her." I smile. "Nice to meet you, Peach." She so sweet and has the cutest voice. She makes me happy. "You look very young to be pregnant." She says. "You look very young to be up this late." I say, smiling. Just then Sarah comes and tells her to go to bed. Me and Sarah eat some stew and go to bed. But I can't sleep. So I go eat some more stew.

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