4. What does one say when one is caked in mud and blood?

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What does one say when one is caked in mud and blood?

Alex is right in front of me now, Calab close behind, probably not wanting to overwhelm me. I'm still trying for a Houdini disappearance act, when the front door opens. The boisterous laugher bounces around the room, and then abruptly dies. Well, crap. Why don't we just invite the whole house to come and see me in all my glory?

I don't bother facing the new comers, I can guess who it is, and judging on the pungent alcohol smell flowing off them in waves, I'd say someone's been having fun. Ethan, Rich, and Mike, no doubt. Fantastic, I've managed to be caught by the entire house. I hear a sharp, pained, intake of breath, and some mumbled swearing. Then the real fun begins.

"What. The. Fuck." I know its Ethan speaking, the deep, gravely sound unmistakable of one of the twins. But based from the harshness that constantly fills the tone of the voice, I know its Ethan, and not Mike. I don't want to look over, I just want to get up those stairs. This is getting out of hand.

I let out a dramatic sigh, grateful form the slightly less deathly sound showing I'm healing up. In a few hours I'll be good as new. I've just got to get something out and stop the drama, quick like a bandaid. "Look, I understand that your all worried. I get it, really I do. And I really appreciate how much you seem to care right now. But, honestly, I'm totally fine." I can still hear the husky undertone to my voice, and attempt, unsuccessfully, to cough it away. "I had a bit of a situation, but I feel much better now, and I'll be completely back to normal tomorrow. I just need to sleep, and I really need a shower." There, that ought to do the job. I say the last bit as an attempt to add some humour to the situation, but I get no laughs, it's a dry house tonight.

As no one answers I decide to take that as my queue to shuffle up the stairs, finally. But before I can make a move, hands are gripping my shoulders, and a chizzled jawed, green eyed god is barring down in front of me. Why is it always the annoying ones that look so good? 

Ethan is seriously a giant, both the twins are, but he's definitely the bigger of the two. He towers over me, at least a good two heads taller, and quite a bit wider with those beastly shoulders. Why he gets to be built like a machine, and still keep those pretty boy looks, smexy scar on his lip and all, I'll never understand. Life is a bitch, and then you die. or so the saying goes.

"Who fucking did this, Casey? I'm not playing. You better start explaining, because there's no reason you should look the way you do right now. Was this some crazy boyfriend, or something? A prank gone wrong?" He pauses for a second, looking me up, and down. Some emotion flashes in his eyes, and I see his teeth grind together. "Something else?" He's breathing deeply through his nose, and I can tell he's trying to keep control on his anger. Boy has some issues there. "You're missing for two days, show up covered in shit, and all you can say is, You're fine? Don't worry? Are you FUCKING SERIOUS?" He yells the last bit, and I see the others edge closer, murmuring things to calm Ethan down. 

"Come on man, you're scaring her. Casey's obviously been through something."
"guess she wasn't staying at a friends place after all. Shit."
"Enough, Ethan."
"Bro, you need to take a step back."

Truth be told I know I'm not handling this right, but my brain isn't functioning properly, and all I want to think about is getting upstairs. Tomorrow I can deal with the rest.

Then something he says hits me, my brows pinch together, mulling over what he said. I'd been out for two days? I bite on my lip, chewing it as I think. Shit, shit, shit. I needed to check in with people. I should have checked how long it'd been sooner. I never thought it'd been two whole days.

"Yeah, your right, my bad. Sorry about that. Listen I've got to make a phone call. Ill speak to you all later." I mumble out the excuse, needing to get moving.

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