~ Chapter 1 ~

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A/N: Have a listen to the music video above. It's one of my favourites, Kenny G, with his song "Forever in Love". You're gonna love it.


Harry's P.O.V.

It was a couple of weeks into the One Direction hiatus. Liam, Niall and Louis seemed to be having a good time, from looking at their Instagram and Twitter.

Sitting on my couch, curled up in a fluffy blanket and hearing Supernatural play from the television, I've done nothing productive ever since. I did my absolute best to hide my true emotions from when Zayn left. And considering he told me first, it... Just broke me. I was crying my eyes out when Zayn declared his departure on the phone with me.

But I could tell that he wasn't into it like before. He seemed that he had no place there. And then he left and left me broken-hearted. Yes, I do have a slight crush on him but I was too afraid to tell him. I didn't want him to disown me and lose our friendship. And since I haven't been in touch with him, I think all of that went down the drain. He attempted to call me a couple of times, however, if I were to answer, what would I say?

I'd just stay quiet, not knowing how to comprehend the words that will escape my mouth. Just hearing his voice will make me miss him each and everyday. His sweet, angelic voice brings a smile to my face. It's like music to my ears, as cheesy as it sounds.

Anyway, enough of that before I go into heartbreak mode. I continued to watch Supernatural where Dean and Sam were in a games show and Sam got hit in the balls. I laughed softly at the hilarity of it all. I really enjoy watching Supernatural. Ever since one of my good friends, Kelly, introduced me to this show, I've been hooked on. It's so intense, yet funny at the same time. I love both of the Winchester brothers, but I've a soft spot for Dean.

Somehow my mind is clouded with thoughts of Zayn

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Somehow my mind is clouded with thoughts of Zayn. I tune my view away from the T.V and soon good memories of Zayn and I take up in my head. From those times in the X-Factor, from comforting me when I'm down and need a shoulder to cry on. And those days where we began touring. Oh, all the mischief we get up to while onstage.

The butt pinches, the sweet whispers, the touching of our crotches, and him eating the candy thong off of me. I chuckled to no one in particular, remembering the funny memory. Those were the good and wonderful times, and I will forever cherish them, whether it be silly or not.

I just wish I had enough time to admit that I like him. But I guess I was too late. From what I've seen on the media, it seems that he's dating the supposedly Victoria's Model, Gigi Hadid. I remembered at one of the award shows, I think it was the AMA's or the VMA's, she completely ignored me when conversing with the boys and I. And seeing all the pictures of them together, holding hands rips my heart apart. It sucks seeing your crush hold hands with someone other than yourself. It sucks ass! I don't want to become like some obsessed fangirl who claims that they're the only ones who can be with their favourite celebrity, but I've known him for a while than Gigi.

I know I'm not quick to judge, but I can't help but get a weird vibe from her. Maybe, I'm being paranoid. But yeah, it seems Zayn is enjoying life as it is, dating the hottest model and doing what he loves doing.

He even released his own album. And I'm happy for him, as long as he is happy. I'm not one who often listens to RnB, but I know that if I listened to the album, as I said before, it's going to make me miss him even more.

I wish he was here to binge watch Supernatural with me. While I admire Dean from afar, he would jokingly go all jealous. And we'd laugh it off like we usually do.

Once the episode ended, I switched off the television, and checked the time. It read 7:35pm, and decided that I should go and make some dinner. I walked towards the kitchen and grabbed ingredients I needed to make some pasta because I'm in the mood for something Italian.

I placed them on the kitchen counter and went over to my CD player, pressing play and Kenny G comes on with his song 'Forever in Love' which is one of my favourites. I began to make the pasta and listened to the sweet melodic tune of Kenny G.


After dinner, I was beginning to get tired and I can hear my bed call out to me.

I ran up the stairs and into my en suite bathroom, taking a quick shower and brushing teeth. I got changed into sweatpants and a random top I found in my closet. I walked towards my bedroom door, closing it and then trudged towards my bed, tiredness taking all over me.

I got underneath the covers, not before grabbing my phone from the side table and logging onto Instagram. I scrolled through my news feed, liking a few pictures from followers. Then, as I usually do everyday, I go onto Zayn's account and looked through his pictures. Look, it's not creepy, I just like to see how he's doing. I miss him, okay? Don't judge me.

I looked through and found pictures of Zayn and his girlfriend posing together. Oh, it's that photoshoot from Vogue magazine, considering I see Vogue's posts on Twitter and Instagram. I found his latest post.

Believe me, I want to like his pictures, but I'm afraid

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Believe me, I want to like his pictures, but I'm afraid. I'm just not ready to talk with him... Yet. When I have the courage in myself, I'll talk with him. Right now, I just want to lay low.

After that, I placed my phone on the side table and snuggled into my blankets, attempting to go to sleep. For ten minutes, I just stared at the ceiling, contemplating on life, because what else would you think about?

After ten minutes, I was starting to get sleepy; I closed my eyes, hoping to dream of Zayn and how it would be IF we ended up together. Highly doubt it, but a man can dream... Right?


A/N: So there you guys have it. Not much of an exciting chapter. Just a little insight into Harry's life.

So, I'm officially on my two week break. So expect some updates, maybe. Since I've been given so much homework to do, I don't know how I'll manage, but I'll try my best. This week just ain't my week. 😔

So... Yeah, think that's about it.

Love y'all !


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