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I texted Cleo

Fabnikki:Hey girlfriend!
Wanna go to the mall with Zoey?

Awesomecloe:Hey bfl(best friends for life)
Sure. What time?

Fabnikki:At 11am or 12am

Is Brianna coming?

But yeah!
Awesomecleo:Is okay!
She is kind of cute!


So Cleo is coming! Now I gotta text Zoey!
Fabnikki:Hey girl Friend!
Wanna go to the mall with Cleo?

CoolcatZoey:Hey bfl(best friends for life)
Sure!Buuuuuuuuuuuut what time?

Fabnikki:At 11am or 12am

CoolcatZoey:Okay!Is Brianna coming along?

But yeah!

CoolcatZoey:She is cute though!


That's exactly when I received a text from Cleo and Zoey saying the exact same thing

CoolcatZoey:When are we going 11 or 12?

And the other text from Cleo!

Awesomecleo:When are we going 11 or 12?

The answer I texted both of them!

Fabnikki:At 12!!!

So I am go into the mall with Cleo and Zoey! "Okaaaaaaaaaaay" that's me screaming to Brianna!She is asking me to make her breakfast.Her favorite strawberry pop tart!So I made her a pop tart and went to watch TV. It's time for the Tyra Banks show! I have been totally obsessed in that show!Hey don't laugh! Lately Brianna is also obsessed in that show! She is so cute when she is watching that show!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That was so cool!Okay let me tell you what she did,She was doing this new roll things!Which Mackenzie does when she gets annoyed! I had been practicing that thing for hours! Now I am gonna watch frozen with Brianna! That's all for today!!!

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