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Today I went into the bus and found out that Brandon was sitting next to Veronica. She the most prettiest girl I have ever seen. She is a new girl. I sat next to Chloe and Zoey. When I reached school Brandon asked me to come to him. I asked him why he said so. And he said that he was dared by someone to do it. I asked if it is the truth and he said yes... I was so happy. Then I asked why he was sitting next to Veronica. He told me because he wanted to make the new girl feel welcome at WCD. I was so happy. In the first period we had math. Mackenzie was being so kind with me. At lunch she gave me an invitation for her party. She asked me to bring Chloe and Zoey along. At the end of the day we shelved books together. I think this is our first step to become a ccp.

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