4th November(CONTINUING)

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Zoey:Truth or dare
Zoey:do you have a crush on Marcus?
Chloe:Ummmmm, yes I do.
Zoey and me:Awwwwwww
Chloe:Truth or dare
Chloe:I Dare you to go to Marcus and say my love for him on Monday
Nikki:if you say so!
Nikki:Truth or dare
Nikki:Is it true you want Theo to ask you to the Christmas dance.

Chloe and Zoey said there was a surprise. They gave me a ticket to the Christmas dance.I said I couldn't go because I didn't have a date but Chloe said Principle Winston allowed anyone in the dance. Chloe and Zoey said Theo and Marcus have already asked them to the dance and they had said yes. I was so happy for them.

I ordered pizza for dinner and we slept.

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