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A/N-Omg 100 reads THANK YOU so much, I love you all to the ends of the phaniverse 💕💕
Dan:ok so while you were filming with Caspar I found a wedding planner with some colour scheme ideas.💍
Phil:ohhhhhhh tell me tell me tellme TELL ME DANNY.
Dan:ok, blue and white, black and white, pastel and white or black red and white.
Phil:I like the first three.
Dan:I was thinking we could make the whole thing all monochrome and glittery like golden days by p!atd.
Phil:omg yesssssss lets do it📽
Dan:we can film the whole thing on a vintage camera and post it on YouTube for the phans
Phil:they deserve it, if it weren't for them we would never have met, I'd never have had the confidence to ask you out and we would never got engaged.
Dan:I can't wait😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

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