Chapter 5: Promises - Part II

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A gleaming black carriage rolled past the foot of my tree. Two white horses tossed their heads and four Faeri Knights marched on either side of the vehicle. This was something special. The Faeri Knights were a higher ranking of Faeri Guards, used only for important tasks. You could tell they were knights by their armour; it was more highly polished, and laced with silver. I wondered if the king had sent Faeri Knights after me, would I be able to fight my way free as I had with the Guards. Suddenly the procession halted and I sucked in a breath. Why had they stopped? Why right beside my tree? A carriage door opened and a young man stepped outside, his hair ashy-blonde. His pointed ears sparked a fire of hatred inside me and I raised my lip in a snarl. I took the bow from my shoulder and knocked the arrow, aiming right for his throat. There was a bright flash as the sunlight danced off the ring of silver in his hair. So he was royalty? That would explain the Faeri Knights. My lip curled in both anger and anticipation. If he really was a member of the royal family it would make shooting him a whole lot more satisfying.

I released the arrow and it soared straight towards its target. Quicker than the eye could follow the closest Knight leapt in the way, the arrow bouncing off his armour with a light clink. There was a sudden uproar as the Knights moved like one being, forming a protective circle around the man.  Shields formed a shell and he was momentarily lost from view. A second later they moved slightly and I watched as the prince bent down and picked up something from the ground. Whatever it was, he pocketed it as he was ushered back into the carriage.

“My prince, we must move you.” a Faeri Knight said hastily, “It is not safe for you here.” Their voices carried up to my tree, words of concern and confusion. I grinned.

“You got that damned straight.” I snarled under my breath. The Faeri Knights picked up their pace and the carriage moved off once more, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I sighed and fell onto the mattress. Why was the forest suddenly crawling with so many Faeris? Never had so many entered my territory at once. I looked at my quiver and sighed. It was smaller than I would have liked it and the number of arrows was dwindling. I needed a bigger quiver and new arrows. If I was going to start picking off the Faeri race I would need much more ammo.


I faced more problems now than I ever had. The guards recognised me now; they knew what my face looked like. The city would be crawling with them on the lookout, there would be wanted posters… and I had no armour and little ammo. I crouched in the bushes at the edge of the forest watching the two guards at the gate on duty. Their hands were resting loosely on the pommels of their swords and their armour gleamed brightly. Despite their look of ease I could tell they were on high alert; the way they never kept their back one way for too long; the edgy manner in which they stopped and frisked visitors. The gates were shut, only opening to allow people in one at a time.  I looked up at the early afternoon sun and sighed. If it was night I could climb the walls unnoticed and sneak in. I could wait for a few hours until nightfall but I didn’t want to. Patience had never been a strong point of mine.

I aimed my arrow carefully and shot down the left guard. I watched as he fell off the path and into the muddy dirt beside it. The second rushed over to him, crying out in confusion. He glanced my way, hand on sword as I shot him down two. Quickly and quietly. I ran forwards after shouldering my bow and moved them out of view so they wouldn’t be discovered. I pulled my arrows out of them and returned them to my quiver. There was no point wasting two perfectly fine arrows. I entered the city slowly. I wore no cloak, no armour. No one offered me a second glance as I melded into the crowd. I was aware of the blood that stained my hands from where I had touched the Guards. I quickly shoved them into my clothes, hoping no one would notice. I wandered the streets unhindered. There were posters with my face plastered on walls but no one paid them any attention; there were new banners, advertising the upcoming “Trial Competition”. As I passed by a Guard I ducked my head and slipped in between two strangers, using them as cover. He didn’t notice me and I continued on until I managed to reach the carpenters. I stepped inside, pulling the door closed behind me.

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