chapter 5: lions and gorillas and wolves, oh my!

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Alexander sat in his room, his roommates gone to either their classes or skipping to go to the local mall (both of which he considered a waste of his time) he spent the last week contemplating the loss of his only two friends, there was no way Mr. Custos could have down that, there was no way he was capable of murder. Alexander sighed as he rose from his unmade bed, and threw on his shoes. Alexander walked the empty halls of the school he thought he knew, he had spent countless hours doing exactly this, in a weird way it calmed him, even when his world was crashing down around him, these halls remained a universal constant. Sadly not even trekking through the halls, which he had come to know as his own would comfort the guilt building up inside him. Maybe if he had stayed with her in the dark uninhabited room then maybe, she would still be alive; sure it wasn't likely that no one would die, the killer would probably just murder someone else instead, but at least she would still be with him. Alexander found himself standing outside an old rotting door it swung open to reveal the same room where they had spent only a few moments together before he threw her aside. Alexander sighed as he twisted the knob and stepped inside; he threw the door open to find the room in dismay, sure the old classroom wasn't very clean to begin with but this was different, it was anarchy. The television was shattered, the tile on the floor cracked or even missing in some places, and weirdest of all there was black gunk sprayed against the wall, in the same way it was in all those stupid crime shows that are always on. It was silent in the room yet out of the corner of alexander's eye, a figure shifted; He didn't know what it was, and honestly he didn't want to know. He prayed it was just his mind playing tricks on him, as it has been known to do in the past. His heart raced as he slowly turned his head, but like most creatures that lurk in the shadows, the figure stayed hidden; falling just outside his range of vision, right in the corner of his eye. In most situations it would be deemed intelligent to run, or hide, or most likely both; sadly it is important to note that despite the fact that alexander literally lives inside a giant school, he is most definitely not the smartest person around, he probably wasn't even the smartest in the room, either that or the poor boy is so completely engulfed in fear that not even his own subconscious mind screaming at him to run for his god forsaken life could make Alexander budge. Alexander was unable to turn around to see the shadow that darted around behind him, grazing the back of his neck or running his shadowy claw down his spine.

"I know who you are" a raspy voice echoed in the compact classroom. Sweat poured down alexander's face he was unable to respond though in his head he was cursing up a storm that could sink a pirate ship.

"Such language is not befitting my lord's heir, you best catch your tongue before I cut it off"

"Oh God" he thought "this is how it ends cut down before I had a chance to truly live" his mind raced trying to find a way to escape "think you moron, okay the blinds are closed and the window most likely locked, even if I could manage to open it before he could kill me the fall would do me in; the door is about a yard away, not that far but I don't even know what or where this thing is, or if I could out run it; no there has got to be a better way" his eyes darted to the corner of the room where the shattered television lay still plugged in and sparking " I'm a genius, well maybe not a genus but every dog has his day or whatever". Alexander mustered all his courage (which honestly wasn't much) and dived to the TV using it as a shield to defend from the frightening figure he finally had the displeasure to meet. The creature was at least seven feet tall with the body of a bear and the head of a wolf, it had lions paws for arms (which were stained red with what he hoped was red fruit drink), he had the legs of an ape, his entire body was a silver color.

"I think I liked it better when I couldn't see you" (probably not a good idea to insult the "thing" that wants to kill you)

"You're lucky kid if I had the time I would kill you slowly making you feel every minute of excruciating pain as I pull out your fingernails, or slowly slicing your pasty skin till the floor is red with your sticky blood, but like I said I don't really have the time so I'm going to make this quick and slice your throat" a grin was plastered on the sick animals face, his eyes were beady and black , it was like they looked into his soul and didn't like what they saw.

"Yay, lucky me" (really sarcasm at a time like this, you really are a moron) Alexander watched helplessly as the beast's razor sharp claws came down on him, he raised the TV blocking the hit and electrocuting the bear wolf thing; Alexander sat there surprised that his terrible plan actually worked (now would be a good time to run). Alexander hoisted himself up and sprinted out the door; he ran as if he was being propelled by all the fear he had ever felt, and all the tears he had ever cried.

"Come back here you little dämon, your blood will stain my teeth as I rip chunk after chunk of delicious flesh from your scrawny bones"

Alexander couldn't run fast enough, that monster was on his tail and as fast as he ran this "thing" could run twice as fast as him. Alexander could see the door at the end of the hall, light glimmering through the wire cross windows.

"you can't run forever pipsqueak, if not me then someone else will drag the life out of you, though I would prefer if that was me" the monster's footsteps shook the building as Alexander burst through the door into the light of day.

"What's going on, where is everyone" (you couldn't wait till you were a safe distance from the creature before going into detective mode?) "Its 3:30 on a school day, the courtyard should be swarming with students" (That's actually a good point, I'm sorry for doubting you)

"You can blame me for that, i was told there couldn't be... witnesses, so I sent them away" the beast recalled as he walked calmly through the doorway "don't worry, they're fine I'm under direct orders not to kill civilians unless absolutely necessary" (well I suppose now that your question has be answered now would probably be a good time to run)

"There's got to be a misunderstanding I'm obviously not the one you're after, I'm not important, I'm just a kid" (Now you're asking the right questions)

"You underestimate yourself, I would give you a lesson on self-confidence but that would be a waste of time considering you won't live long enough to utilize those skills" the monster toward over the young boy his K-9 smile terrifying Alexander to his very core.

"Is there a way to reschedule this murder, I have Pilates at 6:00 and i really can't be late again" (using humor to try to cope with your fear? Eh. Whatever works, just don't die okay? Cool.)

"Real funny, now we've talked enough, I wish I could say it was a pleasure meeting you, but i have not been known to be a liar" his meaty feline claws swung down inches from his face it stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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