Chapter 2

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+ Song to the side is sexyand I know it by LMFAO....great party song to just go crazy to ;p

+ Pic to the side is Jeremiah------>

+ Leo's POV +

So it just so happens to be the next day. Sun shining brightly through the window and I completely hat it. I guess I'm not really a morning person. I don't know why but I find the sun very annoying and just plain irritating. I'm not ready to wake up yet, I probably won't be until way later on into the afternoon. It's probably a good reason why I chose to have late afternoon classes. I rolled over to see my fantastic roommate Jeremiah still sleeping. It's funny how it even looks like a weirdo even when he's sleeping. For some reason though the sun shining on him looks amazing. The way the light hits his flawless face is actually kind of attractive.

"Time to go out"  Tasha said while bursting into my room.

I jumped and covered my face with my covers.

"I can see you and I know your awake so get the hell up and meet me in the living room in a half an hour"

I continued to lay there as I heard her footsteps walk away and close the door. I peaked out to see if she had really left and instead of seeing her face I saw Jeremiah's.

"Can you just get ready and leave before she comes back. I'm tired and I want to sleep without any noise from you or your friend"

"Ewww someone's cranky"  I replied in a disgusted voice.

I got up out of bed and went into the bathroom that was conveniently inside our room. I huffed and puffed because I really just wanted to chill out in bed for a few more hours but clearly that is'nt an option. So I just threw on a pair of gray sweat pants, a white t-shirt, and some boots. I checked myself out in the bathroom mirror and I had to say that even though I was aiming for the lazy look, I seem to look pretty good. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and back into my room. I grabbed my jacket and a few necessities' such as my phone, my wallet, my headphones, and some jewelry. As I began to quietly walk out the room, I heard Jeremiah mumble something to me but I just tuned him out because I really did'nt care.

 I walked lazily into the living room where Tasha was waiting impatiently.

"God you take forever to get ready"  She scolded me.

I just looked at her and shook my head. It was too early and I had no energy to fight with her. So we left the our dorm room and wandered the campus, it wasnt much to it except a bunch of land and on-campus stores and a river that was located in the far east of the college campus. I actually did kind of enjoy the tour because of the cuties I spotted. A few of them even had the nerve to approach me and ask for my number and I told them they have to work for it. I'm not that easily bought.

After all this flirting and aimless drifting I need some time to rest up. So I headed back to the dorm and Tasha went off somewhere with someone. And to my surprise when I entered the suite, guess who was sitting in my room playing video games.

"Back so soon?"  Jeremiah asked me.

"Why does it matter to you?" 

"It does'nt I was just asking just to be polite"

"Oh now you want to try to be nice and polite? Don't you think it's a little too late for that?"

"I'm not trying to do anything special so don't get your hopes all up"

"What the hell is your problem? I mean did I do something to offend you or anything?"

"Oh please don't flatter yourself. I just don't like you"

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