Why Is It Always My Ass That Gets Into Trouble?

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""""Update, sorry its been a while. Hope you guys like this part, thanks for being patient. Vote, comment, fan! Thanks again.********

Chapter 9: Why Is It Always My Ass That Gets Into Trouble?

                “Mr. Smith!” I heard the principal holler from down the hall. I growled under my breath and got up and headed towards my fate.

“Yes, Mr. Right?”

“Detention. Now. You’re going to pay for this window too. Do you know how much this is going to cost?” I couldn’t tell if it was a rhetorical question or not. So I kept my mouth shut and he grabbed me by my ear and dragged me to the detention room.

“Here’s another one Mrs. Mason.” The principal said shoving me into the room and I quickly took a seat in the back.

“Thanks Mr. Right.” Mrs. Mason smiled flirty at him. He smiled back and winked and left the room. Oh my god they like each other.

“Mr. Smith is it? Right here and center so I can see you.” She said in a fake harsh voice and pointed to the seat right in front of her. I sighed and moved where she told me to.

“So what did you do?” she asked biting into a juicy red apple.

“I broke a window.”


“Ya, how did you know?”

“Well, the bruise forming on your eye and jaw are a dead giveaway. Hey aren’t you that kid that got abused by his parents?”

“No, but I know who that kid is. I guess you could say we are friends. Pretty close too.”

“Oh, okay.” She said and let me do my homework in peace. I sighed in relief. I didn’t really want to talk about my family right now.

                An hour later she let me go. They couldn’t keep kids past four. I grabbed my stuff headed to hell to make dinner for the loser and bitch.

“So what happened after school?” Chase asked sitting down on the bar stool.

“Got into a fight, broke a window, went to detention and ya…” I said stirring the pasta.

“You start it?”


“Of course, you’re too saintly to start a fight.” He teased. I raised my eyebrow.

“Oh and you are?” I teased. He stuck his tongue out like a child and went back to reading the latest on guitars in a magazine.  I chuckled and turned off the stove, drained the pasta and stirred in the sauce just in time for him to come in. I quickly dished everyone some, except myself of course, and set them on the table in front of everyone. I headed up to my room and drew in my sketch book.

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