Welcome To Hell

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********Hey guys, here's an update. Don't worry it's longer then the Prologue. Hope you like. Don't forget to vote, or comment or fan. Thanks again for all the support. Enjoy! P.S the main character's name is pronouced Adrian.************

-Chapter 1: Welcome to Hell-
   "Hey Adren, going to the party tonight?" My sister, Shasta, asked at breakfast.
"I hadn't been planning on it." I told her pouring myself a big bowl of Captain Crunch -Mmm...-.
"Well you should. I have a friend that wants to meet you. She kind of has a crush on you." She chuckled.
"Oh?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Adren! Where's my breakfast?" Mom shouted from up the stairs. Shasta gave me an apologetic smile and took her cup of hot coco and went to her room.
"Coming!" I called and pulled yesterday’s breakfast casserole and heated it in the microwave. Then I quickly made coffee and wolfed down as much cereal as I could before 'He' came down.
    My mom had recently divorced her first husband and my dad, and she had a new "lover" as she liked to call him. He's a vampire, an evil shit dick of one at that.
"Adren. Where's our breakfast?" The devil himself asked.
"I was just... just heating it up." I said tripping over my words.
"Oh, you were, were you?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "What's that in the bowl?" He asked walking over and looking into my not yet empty bowl. I gulped loudly and eyed him cautiously. "What's this? Adren? Have you eaten before AND without asking us?" I gulped again. I nodded nervously and his hand wrapped all the way around my neck and he picked me up. I choked and clawed at his hands trying to get his hands off me. My efforts did nothing but make him tighten his grip on my throat. I choked on what little air I had.
"James?" I heard my mom's voice say just around the corner. The shit dick glared and squeezed my neck once more then dropped me to the floor. Just as the microwave beeped announcing it was done, my head hit the counter and I fell to the ground, my head hit the floor with an audible crunch.
   My mom came in then and stepped over me.
"There you are James." I heard her smile and kissed him. I laid there with tears of anger and embarrassment running down my face.
"Ya, just bringing you some breakfast love."
"Where's Adren?" She finally asked.
"Down here you worthless whore." I spat getting to my feet slowly. I could tell my head was bleeding but I ignored that and walked off limping. My ankle was sprained. Must’ve landed on it wrong when he dropped me. Asshole.
"Hey!" James called grabbing my shoulder.
"Don't touch me." I growled. He slapped me across the face with enough force to wipe my face clean off. I tasted the familiar flavor of my blood.
"You don't talk to adults that way son." James shouted slapping me again and grabbed me and threw me into the wall. I fell to the floor and curled up into a tight ball. I felt his steel toe boots dig deeply into my back and I let out a low whimper not wanting to let him know how much it really hurt.
"Come on James." Mom said, and James kicked me once more good in the back and left upstairs with my mom.
    I stayed where I did not want to move for three reasons; first, it hurt too much. Second, I didn't think I could. Third, I really just wanted to be alone.
    Once I heard the music blast upstairs, I decided it would be a good idea to go to school. By school I mean hide in the forest and get cleaned up till school was out. So I grabbed my bag and limped my way to the forest.

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