Allison's P.O.V.
"Actually it's Niall" His very familiar Irish accent rang through my ears.
I almost dropped the phone.
'Ni-ni-all" I muttered barley being able to speak.
"Alli-boo listen to me please, I am so sorry you cant imagine the pain I am in right now. I miss you so much. I charged into your old house and ran into a 12 year old fan girl. Also I heard about your dad and you have no idea how much I just want to hold you right now. To smell your honey shampoo in your hair. I miss you so much and I am so sorry I should have never left." I heard him say as he sniffled.
I didn't know what to do.
"Hello?" his voice filled my ears again sounding worried.
"Sorry" I whispered
"You have NO reason to be sorry its all my fault. I left in your time of need! Listen I will see you again soon, we are going on tour again and I will make sure I get to see you!" he promised me.
"Ok" I stuttered. I was still in shock I never thought I would here from him again.
"Goodnight Alli-boo I love you"
" I love you to Nialler" I said in my normal tone.
And with that he hung up the phone.
Three weeks later
"GET YOUR BUTT IN THIS CAR!" I yelled as harper stepped out of her house.
" I'm coming I'm coming!" She laughed as she got into my car. And I started to drive to our seconed week of 12th grade.
Niall had texted me goodnight every night sense our phone call. I have never replied because I miss him to much. I had a lot of friends at my new school most of them were guys but they didn't even compare to Niall. Harper is my best girl friend by far though. No one knows about me knowing Niall. I don't want anyone to treat me differently because I know him. It sucks though because Harper is a HUGE fan of One Direction. She is always talking about him or listening to their music.
We pulled into the school parking lot and both of us hopped out of my red sports car, aka my baby. Everyone stared at us as we walked into school. I really don't know why but I guess I am considered "popular" at my new school along with Harper. I am guessing the only reason I am in the category is because I am friends with Harper. I mean she is gorgeous and every guy worships her. She has brown hair with a hint of red that falls to mid back. Chocolate brown eyes. High cheekbones and baby pink lips. I know I am pretty, from the time I was 12 to now at 17 people are always complimenting me and I actually do some modeling for extra money. I have natural strawberry blond hair with brown undertones. Baby blue eyes, high cheekbones, and very pink lips. We are both very fit because I do gymnastics. And Harper goes to the gym once a day.
We said goodbyes and gave each other a hug as we headed to home base. I see my boyfriend of one and a half years, Jake standing talking to Harper's boyfriend of four years. I broke into a sprint and jumped on his back.
"Hey babe" he whispered as he spun me to his front so we were face to face.
"How did you know it was me?" I said with a small smile on my lips.
"You always smell like honey" he said well chuckling.
With that he pulled me in for a small kiss. Jake was the only guy I have ever kissed, unless you count my brother Shad. Or my dad. I think I kissed Niall once too but tat was when we were like four. When I kissed Jake I didn't get butterflies or anything for that matter. But I don't believe you can actually get butterfly's.
He set me down and I headed to my seat.
the rest of the day went by pretty fast. Harper told me at lunch that she had a surprise for me when we got home because it was my birthday. I met Harper at my car and we drove off.
"Go to my house!" Harper yelled
" You got it babe!" I yelled back sending her a wink.
We both laughed as I pulled into Harpers three story house. She had a big house. Mine as actually very similar. We both have walk in closets, our own on suite bathrooms and pools in our backyard.
"hey girls, have fun tonight let me know when your coming home" Harper's mom yelled from upstairs
"Thanks mom love you" Harper yelled back to her mom.
"Harper what does she mean have fun tonight"
"Shut up and put this on" she singed to me
And with that she put the blindfold on my head and walked me to what I guessed was her car. I figured out that it was her car and we drove for about thirty minutes as we talked and song to the radio. I even found myself singing a one direction song I mean hey don't get me wrong they are pretty good.
"WERE HERE" Harper shouted
"Good can I take this thing off"
"NO" she snapped as she took my hand dragged me out of the car and down a sidewalk or something. Then for about a half an hour Harper dragged me through a group of screaming girls. What is going on? Next she sat me in a seat and after another 30 minutes the screaming got louder as Harper took of my blindfold.
Being able to see again I realize where at a concert. I hope its the Beatles. Then the lights dim and five figure's walk onto the stage. One by one a spotlight hits all the figure's:
"I'm Harry' The first one said as the spot light hit him.
"I'm Louis"
"I'm Zayn"
"I'm Liam"
I did not like were this was going.
"I'm Niall'
There he was. His blond brown hair. HIs newly straight teeth. The only other Irish accent in the state besides me. There was my Nialler.
"Guess what not only did I win these front row tickets for free but I got meet and greet backstage passes to!" Harper yelled with a smile that could light up the room.
I smile at her and try to enjoy myself it is my birthday for crying out loud I am 18! Maybe I will be sick and I wont have to meet them that's it genius plan. GO ME!
Until suddenly Niall goes to high five the crowd he sticks his hand out to mine but I pull back. This causes him to look up. His eyes meet mine and both of us start to have teary eyes. He breaks are stare and sprints of the stage.

Try again
FanfictionNiall Horan, was my best friend. Was as in past tense. He left for the X-factor, I left for America. Haven't heard from him sense. I thought we were best friends maybe more. But 15 years obviously didn't mean a thing to him. Now I have Harper, and i...