I looked up to see what fan would refuse to touch my hand. There she was. Alliboo. Her long strawberry blond hair that she has always had was over in a waterfall braid. Her bright blue eyes shinning with little to no makeup on. She was beautiful. But then a tear fell down her cheek and I couldn't help myself. The tears starting pouring down as I sprinted off the stage, into the dressing room as I through my body onto the couch, within seconds I hear all the screaming fans become silent and the boys are by my side firing me with questions.
"Calm we don't even know what's going on "Liam says to Zayn
Right then Management comes running into the room.
All of us stand up and run to the stage me whipping tears as I go. We all run onto the stage and Liam starts giving a speech on what happened. I don't know what he said, but it was something on how I thought I was going to puke but am all better now. That's not 100% a lie though because I did feel like I was going to puke but I still feel like it. He finishes and the fans started cheering again. I cant focus on the concert because two seats in the front row are now evacuated. this wouldn't be a huge shock considering we ran off the stage, but one of those seats was were my Alli was sitting. Now she's gone. I missed my chance. Not only for now, but probably forever.
~Two hours later~
The concert finishes and we head off stage without a word. All of us sit down in the dressing room. Eight eyes are on me and I know they are going to stay there until I explain so take a deep breath, close my eyes and begin.
" I was high fiving the audience and my hands brushed by someone else's but soon after the quickly pulled away. I looked up and was eye to eye with Alli. The same Alli who was their when my first girlfriend broke up with me. The same Alli who's dad committed suicide and left for America. The same Alli who I snuck out with and we crashed my dads car on the way to a party. The Alli who is the only girl I will ever love. She started crying softly as soon as her eyes met mine. I couldn't take seeing her for most likely the last time and her be crying. I couldn't control my body. I am sorry." as I finished tears started falling down my face.
"WOAH she is hotter in person dude" Harry said well nudging me. I wanted to through him through a wall right now.
"Um did you see her friend" Zayn laughed with Harry.
"BOYS OUT NOW" Liam yelled. Louis, Zayn and Harry all left the room, as Liam sat next to me.
" listen I know relationships are hard but I will help you through this one man. All of us will. We are officially done with tour, and we are staying inn California for two months we will find her."
Alli's POV
2 hours earlier at the concert
I was actually getting into the concert its not that their music was horrible its just the Niall part I miss him way more then all my other Ireland friends. I find myself dancing along to the music and going up to the stage as a member of the band runs across the stage. I look up just as my fingertips touch theirs and instantly pull away. Deep blue eyes are staring into my own. Tears stream down my face as my smile fades. Tears are now pouring down Niall's face as well and he runs of the stage. Quickly followed by the other rather worried looking members of one direction. The loud screaming of the audience is quickly replaced by hushed whispers and silence. I grab harper by the arm and tell her we need to leave she doesn't say anything just has a confused face as she follows close behind me. We get to the car and both get in. I look at her and she looks at me.
"Explain." she demands me.
I take a deep breath and begin.
" Well you know I moved from Ireland. But did you know I moved from Mullingar. And I know you didn't know that Niall Horan is my best friend. My dad committed suicide the day after Niall left for the X factor, my mom couldn't handle being in the house with all those memories so we moved here. It was extremely hard for me and Shad because Niall had been my best friend we did everything together, crashed cars, cried laughed .Everything. But since he laughed I stopped responding to his texts and eventually changed my phone number. Then tonight he looked me in the eyes and we both started crying." By the time I finished I was crying but Harper had a mysterious smile.
"Lets go find him then shall we"

Try again
FanfictionNiall Horan, was my best friend. Was as in past tense. He left for the X-factor, I left for America. Haven't heard from him sense. I thought we were best friends maybe more. But 15 years obviously didn't mean a thing to him. Now I have Harper, and i...