-Chapter 2: A Favor-

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We're midway through the walking trail, with a bunch of green plants around us, providing shade from the hot sun. I'm pretty fond of the sun, it never really bothered me that much. On the other hand , Little Miss Salt Shaker here hates the guts of of it.

"It's so bright out here," she complains.

"We're in the shade Luna, what's the big deal?" Toby seems confused.

"It's too bright." She pouts.

As if her words were to cue something, a light came out of nowhere, like turning up the brightness on your phone.

And as soon as it came, it left.

We stop.

In front of us is a small fairy, with a sky blue dress and pinned up blonde hair. An aura of bright sparkles marks her path as she flutters around.

"Uh... May I ask, why are you... here?" I ask out of confusion.

"Oh!" She catches herself. " I must have not been paying attention."

"So, would you mind telling us your name and why you are here?" Toby asks politely.

"Yeah, my name is Harmony."

She stops.

"And what exactly are you here for?"

"Oh! I was going to ask if you could do a little favor for me."

She pauses once again.

"O-okay.." I stammer.

She pauses after each statement, with a dreamy look in her eyes, expecting me to know everything.

"R-right", she catches herself. "My favor is if you could take care of someone for a while."

I glance at the others.

Estre nods. She's not much of a person for talking.

Luna looks curious.

Toby just smiles.

"Sure, then." I respond. "Now, who exactly is this person?", I question, turning my head and looking at her quizzically.

"Ah, yes, his nickname is Gray."

"What's his real name?"

"I don't know. Never told me. Just look for him. He's got to be somewhere  here."

She disappears without a trace.

I kinda don't trust this 'Harmony' person.


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