17. Girlfriend Who? (Part 2)

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Once Essence was gone, I decided this was the best time for me to wrap my Christmas gifts for everyone.

It was difficult trying to decide whether or not I should get something for Jace. After some hard thinking, I came to a decision.

I only prayed that he would like it.

"SHOOT!" I yelled after cutting myself on the tape dispenser.

I was never any good with those things.

Putting my finger into my mouth, the stinging began to die down. I stuck a ribbon on top of the gift and kicked it over to the finished pile.

When the doorbell rang, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Who the hell was it now?

Quickly putting away all sign of gift wrapping, I began making my way downstairs.

Swinging the front door open, I was extremely shocked to see Jace standing there.

"Hey again" he said.

"Welcome back" I smiled.

I was very excited to see him again. Even if it was only a few hours ago.

"There's something really important that I need to talk to you about" he said.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

He sighed. "I haven't been completely honest with you".

My stomach dropped and memories began to fill my mind back to when I heard this familiar line before.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

"There's something I need to tell you".

These conversations never ended well.

"Umm, then maybe you should come in" I said realizing that we were still standing in the doorway.

After shutting and locking the door, I led him into the living room where we sat across from each other on the couches.

"So what do you need to tell me?" I asked.

He took a deep breath before looking me into my eyes and speaking. "Do you remember the night when we had our first kiss?" He asked.

Of course I did. "Yeah".

"Do you remember what we talked about.

I smiled as I remembered. "I told you how safe I feel when I'm around you. You'd protect me from a monster".

"What if I am that monster?" He asked.

"You're not" I informed him.

"But Spencer, I am" he said standing up.

"I don't understand" I said scrunching my eyebrows together.

"On a regular night, you wake up at around three or four and go downstairs to grab a bottle of water. You never turn on any lights because you pretty much know where everything is. When you're having a bad dream, you toss and turn a lot. You hold on really tightly to your pillow and sometimes you even wrap your arms around yourself to feel safe" Jace said not once breaking eye contact with me.

"How'd you know that?" I asked.

"You know the answer to that Spencer".

I could feel myself shaking as everything began to sink in.

"You're the one who's been watching me?"

He nodded his head confirming what I believed from the beginning.

"But when I asked you your answer was no" I said thinking back to our previous conversation.

"I did and I am so sorry Spencer but there is so much more"

Standing up from the couch, I was angry. "Like what?"

"I'm not who you think I am".

"You're right about that" I said. "The person I thought you were is now some psycho lunatic who stalks me".

His eyes grew big as he took this. I began to feel bad but soon dismissed those feelings as I continued to think about how violated I had been.

"Spencer it was never like that! I wasn't stalking you" he said moving closer towards me but stopped once I stopped him with my hand.

"Don't come near me".

"Spencer please just hear me out" Jace said looking hurt.

"No! Why do you do that? Why do you watch me?"

"I can't help it. I can't stay away from you".

"You sound crazy" I said moving around the couch so that there was more space between the two of us.

"There is more to this world than you will ever know" Jace said sitting back down on the couch.

I was freaking out but I wanted so badly to go over and comfort him.

Maybe he did deserve an explanation.

"You have one minute to convince me why I shouldn't believe that you're crazy".

Letting out a sigh, he stood back up. "I'm a wolf".

"I said convince me why I shouldn't think you're crazy and you gave me more reason to believe that you are" I said.

"I'm not playing around Spencer".

"Prove it".


"Prove to me that you're a wolf" I said making air quotations with my finger around the word "Wolf".

"I don't think that's a good idea" Jace said.

"Why? If its true than prove it".

" I really don't-"

"Either prove it or leave" I said cutting him off.

Jace let out a grunt before wiping his face with his hands. "Fine. Turn around and close your eyes".

"Turn around?" I asked.

"Turn around and clothes your eyes. If proof is what you want than proof is what I'll give you" he said with a look so serious.

Nodding my head, I did as he said.

Closing my eyes, I waited for some loud noise or some sort of way of knowing he was transforming into this so called wolf.

After a few minutes had passed, I decided his time was up.

"I don't know what you take me as but-"

I was to shocked of the sight in front of me.

It all came to me as I stood their staring.

Everything was beginning to make sense now.

I didn't have a chance to put everything together before I passed out.

But the last thing I remember were those yellow eyes.

The same yellow eyes that were in the woods by my house.

The eyes of a wolf.

***A/N: Hey guys! :D so this should have been apart of the last update but it's cool! Hope you like it and its about to get super intense ! :O ! vote and comment if you love this story

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