18. What's That?

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When I opened my eyes, I was inside of my room wrapped up in my plush comforter.

How I had got there, I had no clue.

Then it all started coming to me.

Jace. Wolf. Fainting.

He had just confessed to me that he was a wolf. I just had to open my big mouth and ask him to prove it.

Sitting up in my bed, there was something different.

It was pitch black but I knew he was here.

I could feel him.

"How long have you been here?"

"Ever since you passed out a few hours ago" his voice came from the darkness.

Running a hand through my hair, I let out a sigh. "Jace, come here".

After a few seconds, he joined me on my bed.

"I just need answers" I told him.

There were a million and one questions racking my brain and I wanted to understand it all.

"Spencer, I can answer anything you need to know".

I turned my body so that we were facing one another. Though I couldn't see, I knew we were looking into each others eyes.

"So you're a wolf?"


"What kind of wolf".

He let out a little chuckle before answering, "I'm the alpha".

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm the leader and the head of an entire pack of wolves".

I gasped in shock. "The leader?"

"Yeah. My dad was and technically still is the Alpha. I'm next but I'm not official yet".

"Why not?"

"Because I need to have a Luna"

"Uh huh?"

Jace took my hands into his. "A Luna is my mate. Someone by my side that also helps me run the pack".

If he needed a Luna to help run the pack and a Luna was his mate, why was he waisting his time with me?

I don't understand why you're interested in me then".

"Spencer... You're my mate".

"WHAT?!" I shrieked jumping up.

How could that even be possible?

"That day in the hallway when we bumped into each other and I couldn't take my eyes off of you, it was because once I looked into your eyes, I found out you were my mate" he explained.


Than another thought came to mind.

"So Peter and Taylor?"

"They're wolves too. My betas to be technical".

"... And Essence. Is she Peter's mate?"

There was a long pause before Peter answered. "Yes".

Switching my side lamp on, I grabbed my phone. Essence answered on the fourth ring and she wasn't too happy.


"Get your ass here NOW! It's an emergency" I said before hanging up.


In the basement, the three of us waited.

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