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Rosie's p.o.v
  So after the photoshoot Lucky and I decided on going out. We had gotten Tory and walked her taking turns and walking around Hollywood. Paps had of course gotten some pictures. We meet some fans and had taken pictures. We ended up in a donut shop. He's honestly one of my closest friends and I absolutely love him.

I'm at the Jack's house since the boys decided to make a get together. Gilinsky's girlfriend is here. I didn't really talk to her but she was just stared at me while I was talking to Gilinsky and once Gilinsky went to her she kissed him then looked at me. Okay tiger show domains. But I'm a lion, King of the Jungle. Wtf am I saying? John has been staring at me this whole time it's kind of annoying. I went inside to get my phone since it was charging in Nate's room. I noticed I had a call from Lucky he named him self 'baby😍'. I dialed his number.

" Hey Rosie " Lucky answers after two rings.

" Hey Lucky what's up? " I ask.

" Just wondering if you wanted to hang out? With Pyper and I since she's in town and my parents made her a little celebration for her coming back home. " Lucky asked.

" Right now? " I asked.

" Yeah she's only in LA for today and she leaves tomorrow in the morning " Lucky said.

" I would love to. Lucky you know I'm always down with you Smith's. I'm on my way just need to say goodbye to the boys. " I said.

" Okay I'm be waiting for you " Lucky said.

" Okay I love you take care, while I get there " I said.

" Okay I love you too. Tell me about lover boy. Drive safe and bring Tory with you. " Lucky said.

" Sometimes I think you're just with me because of Tory " I said chuckling and clicked. I walked down stairs an get Tory I see her playing with Gilinsky.

" Hey Gilinsky can I have Tory. I'm about to leave . " I said

" Where you going? " Gilinsky asked.

" I'm go meet up with Lucky. He wanted to meet up because Pyper came back and she's only here for today " I said. I got Tory and went looking for Derek or Nate. I found them and of course they were with Swazz.

" Hey guys I just wanted to come say bye " I said.

" Where to baby girl? " Derek asked.

" I'm going to Lucky's. He called, Pyper is home and their family is making a little get together and I was invited since Pyper is my girlfriend, yah know. " I said.

" Okay Rosie just Drive safe. Yah know the maniacs out there. " Nate said.

" Are you driving? " I ask Nate. He shook his head

" Okay then the world is safe " I said walking away I just heard the boys laughing.

The drive to the Smiths home wasn't that long which was good. I got Tory out and we made our way to Lucky's parents home.

" Rosie " Pyper screamed and ran into my arms.

" Pyper " I screamed

" I missed you so much girlfriend " Pyper said.

" Ohh my god, me too girlfriend. You don't know how much " I said.

" Awe Tory. You brought Tory. Thank you baby. Aunt Pyper loves you so much Tory baby. " Pyper cooed her.

  We ended up talking about
'Lover boy' because of Lucky, Dam you Lucky Blue Smith. He had to bring up my hickey. We ended up in the pool. With Lucky recording us. Lucky and I ended up hugging and Pyper was saying something on snapchat and you got Lucky hugging me from behind and I turn around to listening look and it looked like if we were kissing and it started blowing up on social media. Okay we didn't even try to deal with it we just let it sit there and let the fans get excited over nothing.

Yo girl is enjoying this a little too much. Happy Friday maddabitches
Updated:April 22,2016

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