six >> final hour

107 11 13


Date - March 25th
Remaining hours - 0

I rushed out back into the street, and for the last time. I stared at my watch, which counted slowly down to zero, and I felt the sudden rush of adrenaline course through me, urging me to move quickly.

This was my last chance.

This time, I had to pick the right one, or else, I'm done for.

I slipped through gaps of cars, peering through windows, rushing from one to another car, trying to identify anyone who has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Then I saw her again, the girl with a foreign face and striking blue eyes. I couldn't tell if her hair was long or not, I'm terrible at estimating, but I did estimate that if I wasted my time staring at the girl and trying to decide, I'll lose time and die.

So, I passed on and ran around again, searching and searching for the potential girl. Some had their eyes closed, which was a prick considering that 'The Man' could have masked their eyes with his amazing timing. That slowed my search, and for the next few minutes I couldn't find a single one who would fit the mark.

I was about half a kilometer away from the stray road when I realized that I had strayed too far, and even if I did get the girl, I might lose time running against time.

I looked back on my watch. I had 20 minutes.

A thought occurred to me, what if my mistake is searching the girl only in that area?

Deliberately, I took the risk and wandered another hundred meters before finding some others that could fit the mark, and finally, I found one that could possibly be the one.

Maybe it was just my imagination, but when I saw her, I saw that she was the girl 'The Man' was looking for, with her big, dopey blue eyes that seemed to go through your soul, and her choppy dirty blonde hair that framed her face perfectly. She had a brown leather jacket worn around her, and her face was set in a tense motion.

She gave me the look of someone who had undergone a lot of things in life, and was a fighter with short-tempered emotions. I felt wrong for judging her before knowing her one bit, but I won't be able to know if I didn't imagine...or discriminate.

She was the girl, the girl 'The Man' looked for, the girl that would wash all my troubles down the drain.

Why? a question preened in my mind.

That made me hesitate. What if all of my imaginations didn't ring the truth? What if all of these victims and innocent girls all die in vain?

And it's all for a game.

I was a pawn for entertainment for this man, and I didn't like the sound of it one bit.

I was afraid that 'The Man' was only bluffing, and there was no bomb and there was never a girl. I was afraid that in reality, he was just a bored psychopath who needed entertainment and decided to pick on me.

I was afraid that none of this ever happened and I was already dead.

That I was just a dead living a fantasy.

I knew that the car crash was real, and I also knew that 'Time Stopping' doesn't exactly happen in real life, nor does it make sense.

I caught the sight of my watch, and suddenly freaked out.

7 minutes.

I had forgotten about all my doubts and quickly rushed to crack open her door or window to retrieve her, but her window was strong and my hand was already badly bruised from the previous attempts. I had to find another solution, and I had to find it quickly.

I looked around, searching for a sharp object when my gaze turned towards her car, and her sun roof.

Without hesitation, I climbed onto the roof and forcefully drag open the window that was already half opened.

I unbuckled her from her seatbelt and tossed her out of the car, and jumped onto the road and ran as fast as I could with the immense weight of someone on your back.

I was at the least already half a mile off from the stray road, and it takes five minutes in average to run there.

I had 3 minutes.

My body flung forward, taking one step to another in fast motion, ignoring the various hits of car mirrors and doors. I had to move, and if it was really my death, I want to at least fight the last one.

My chest began to strain, but I could see the mouth of the stray road getting closer to me, so I ran forward, all the while struggling to keep the girl from falling.

I hear the dreaded sound of the timer go off, and halted suddenly, feeling my whole body turn cold and pale all of a sudden.


No, I'm not dead yet.

"I HAVE HER!" I yelled as loud as my lungs could give me. "I HAVE HER! TAKE A LOOK AT HER, PLEASE!"

For a moment everything was quiet but the sound of my loud heartbeat and my short pants.

The next moment, I heard the distant crackle of my radio, and I knew that he had made his decision.

I sulked my way towards the car, placed the placid girl on the road, and leaned inside my car to hear him speak.

"Cole Devin," he spoke out first, edging me to the point of panic, "I must say that at your final hour, you did a splendid job."

I couldn't believe my ears.

I played with luck, and luck was on my side.

"And now," he paused, before I heard a slow inhale, "she dies."

I screamed, feeling my whole body tremble as my last chance flew away. I snapped my head out of the car, finding the girl unfrozen and lying on the street, looking confused.

She sat up, looking at my teared and pain-stricken face. "Excuse me, but where am I?"

She had such a sweet voice, so kind. She was nothing like the girl I discriminated and imagined.

"I'm sorry," I croaked out, before the sudden thwack of an arrow planted itself into her stomach, a scarlet blob forming on her blue shirt.

She gave me a startled, wide-eyed gaze filled with fear, before she fell to the ground, unmoving.

"And now," the voice of 'The Man' rang loud from my car, "you die."


This is dedicated for my friend stella_vigo

Thank you for being so supportive :)


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